Sunday, May 1, 2011


hi, I just found out my personality type! ISFP, which does describe me very well, also known as "The Artist" or "The Composer". they say I would do good with a ESFJ, but I think I'd prefer a ISFJ. other than that, it is DEADLY ACCURATE. especially my faults. AND MY TALENTS! so, besides that, I had a very strange dream last night... it was so long... and... there's no proper word for it... abstract? surreal? I don't know. well, it was VERY complex and detailed and amazing, but it really didn't have a story line, but it had parts in it that were so... inspirational... in a way that if a normal person had it they would just be like "what the heck was THAT?" and not think anything else of it, and move on, and forget about it. so, I  really don't know what was first... sorry this will only be small clips of it... well, there was Viridan, one of the small islands/countries along with Aurevitia and Laeviria, and it was VERY different, because it was tropical, and it had a beach and a reforest... and it was kind of like a video game if you ran into a certain type of bug you would either advance or unadvance (what is a real word for that?) except it was a little more than that... at least it wasn't visually graphic. well, than later I drew a picture, and then looked at it, and was like HOW DID I DO THAT?!?!?!?!?!? because the picture started moving like it was animated, or like one of the moving .gifs, or kind of like the Harry Potter pictures. too bad it was soundless. so, I tried doing that again, and sometimes it worked, and sometimes it didn't. so, then later I was at a large resort place with the people I went with to Mexico, and there were a ton of pools, and there were 2 guys who somehow grew fur and made themselves look EXACTLY like the chipmunks from Alvin and the chipmunks, except human sized, and I was like okay, kind of creepy... then Jimmy Barclay was with them, except he was like 15 or something, not what ever age around 11 he usually was, and he was like "you better watch out for those chipmunk guys! your just lucky you don't have to travel around with them..." and I was like "what do you mean?" then he explained to me a few things. well then, then there was a race thing, and I drew more moving pictures. then there was this place where people did stuff with music, so they were playing Beatles songs in this HUGE concrete room that was really cool and echoed! then much later some alarm went off and I didn't here it, but this person that was with me said it was time to go, and I was like "why?" then I got in a van. and I don't remember a lot of other stuff, not that I could describe on here... you just had to have been there. ooh! just remembered a random comment on something that I liked! well, maybe I'll post it later, because I WANT TO GO TO BED EARLY FOR ONCE, AND I'M 4549 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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