Saturday, May 7, 2011

Paul, Paul, and Paul. one a math teacher, one a music teacher, and one a rather famous music player, and some people would add another paul, if they belive in FAUL! (fake Paul) PAUL MCCARTNEY IS REAL!- BESIDES THAT-unbelivably, out of every entirely different group of people I've visited today, there was one person in common, besides me... strange. he sure gets known... and whats with "your mom?" all the time? nobody says it that much.

today was TIGHTLY PACKED TO THE POINT OF ALMOST EXPLOSION! luckily the 4th detention stands strong... AND THE 5TH DIMENSION!!! There is a fifth dimension, beyond that which is known to man. It is a dimension as vast as space and as timeless as infinity. It is the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition, and it lies between the pit of man's fears and the summit of his knowledge. This is the dimension of imagination. It is an area which we call The Twilight Zone. or the 89millionAnd7 zone, if you prefer. OMlet Grapes! it's late!!!! well, summary of my day. I woke up early to my watch alarm, and in the middle of searching for it I knocked it off the top of my wardrobe (my bed is very high up) and it suddenly got quieter and stopped after the minute was over, and I didn't think anything of it until I truly got up to find that I couldn't find it, then went to a math competition from 8:00 until like 14:30, then went to Safeway, then went to one friends house for a hour, then went to a bit of a birthday party , and then went to the friend that I mentioned's house for a while, then went back to the birthday party and stayed until about 9, then went to the friend's house again, but then towards very late at night they were sick so I went back home. and tomorrow I will be waken by a MUFFLED WATCH ALARM. VERY EARLY. MEH!!! well, anyways, I am SO tired so I need to type fast! okay, so, math competition- most (actually like all of them) had 4 on their teams, and we only had TWO. HOW FAIR IS THAT????? heh. my memory of something said today... "maybe it was from sucking it in" I laughed hysterically at that one, because every time it is mentioned I have to (inside joke) anyways, my friend, the one with the birthday party, said that this guy who was obsessed with politics would come over (there was no choice in that decision) and I was thinking that no kid could be OBSESSED with politics... probably not that bad... but I met the guy, with a hand shake, which I can respect, because I personally think that it's a fine way to introduce people and a rather uncommon one at my age. and then we watched a video from earlier from when I missed, and like almost the beginning, he yells at the camera "THE DEMOCRATS WILL LOSE THE WHITE HOUSE! THE DEMOCRATS WILL LOSE THE WHITE HOUSE! THE DEMOCRATS WILL LOSE THE WHITE HOUSE!" although I'm personally more of a Democrat myself, although I have no strong preference, I thought he would make a good book character! in a good way! I gotta hand it to the guy- that is some spunk there, yelling that while several people spray you with cans of paint! if anybody imagined something like that, they would have to be one of the best writers like, ever, or a long time. so, it was a lively group I must say. there was something we probably all had in common... well, then I HAD SOMETHING ELSE BUT I FORGOT IT! well, anyways, I'M 4555 DAYS OLD!!!!! 3 5S IN A ROW!!! 4555!!!! !!!!! !!!!! !!!!! MMMDLV! LONGA VITA ROMANIS!

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