Sunday, May 8, 2011

G'DAY CHILDREN! today we are going to learn about something the world is inflicted with: you guessed it: PAIN!!! YES, THE THING THAT TEARS OUR LIVES APPART SOME WAY OR ANOTHER! have you expirienced pain today children? physical? emotional? spiritual? mental? PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!!! oh, I see you've taken intrest in my power point? nice pain isn't it? oh, what is death, you ask? that's for TOMORROW'S lesson, children!!! =D

okay, about my title for today: DON'T ASK. I JUST MADE IT UP WHILE THINKING OF A TITLE. I have just realized that capitalizing the word tomorrow while teaching about death, might give the wrong impression, but as you must know, I have been in a stabler state than before, and I am OKAY. that is not a message of help. if I reuse it, it will be. TRACK THAT. NO WAIT, DON'T. IT ISN'T IMPORTANT. WHAT EVER. anyways, about today, although it was mother's day, it was also quite PAINFUL. first I was barely conscious, then I felt very horrible, and there is no other way to put it. I don't think I can go to school tomorrow... no, I am not trying to re direct you to my title. I mean I might not feel up to it. I can guarantee that I will post tomorrow, and the day after that. maybe it's just my mind that's going on and imagining that my title was that ish sounding. I don't know. you do realize that I'm only going on like this because I have nothing else to post right? oh, there's something. have you heard of Artemis Fowl? did you know they had warlocks? that's okaaaay....ish, but DEMONS? and my younger sister reads it... I just think about a episode from my favorite audio program, when one of the main guy's cousin comes over, and he seems normal at first, plays a role play game, WHICH ARE SOOOO FUN AND I MUST SAY THEY ARE GOOD,  but this one was different... different.... and then before you know it, he wants to cut the main guy's hand to attract some evil spirit or something... well, they were exaggerating a bit, but still, 9 year olds and demons some how don't sound good together... and the demons are PROTAGONISTS. (good main characters, for those of you who lack vocab) (Let it be, let it be! let it be, let it be. whisper words of wisdom- sorry, it's on my itunes play list, playing right now. and I was bored) well, thought that was interesting, children's books... PAIN CHILDREN!!!!! PAIN!!!! WELL,  speaking words of wisdom, let it be, there will be an answer... ITS WORSE THAN STUCK IN YOUR HEAD WHEN IT'S PLAYING! =D! ooh, next song... well, anyways, this is an average strange 89millionAND7 post, OMG! MUST EXPLAIN THE HISTORY OF 89MILLIONAND7!!! GET YOUR NOTEBOOKS OUT CHILDREN!!! okay, so when I was little I used to play a role play ish game with my sister, where we'd make up a long back and forth story with characters, most adopted from various shows and movies and books and so on... and when ever there was a random number to be named, I'd always say 89,000,000. (eighty-nine million) and also back then, my favorite number was seven, for various reasons. so, then all was moved on and (almost) forgotten, and then when I was in 4th/5th grade (bumped up) I went to CMP (pre algebra) and we did a unit with surveys, so everybody came up with a survey and gave one to each the students and came up with a bar graph of results of each question. (there was only like 8 of us because it was a home school support program) so, one of the questions was "what is your favorite number?" and I was like, well, 7... but I also like that other one... what was it- 89,000,000! so, then I thought and then put it down as 89,000,007 , being a combination of the two.  later, I heard someone saying that someone had a really weird random long favorite number, and I thought: that would be me! so, than a year or a few later, things (almost) forgotten again, I had to come up with a security password for some Norton Anti-Virus related thing. so, I thought, what should I do.... I KNOW! 89,000,007 EDHF (Eugene's Dog Has Fleas) but I needed something cleaver... 89millionAnd7! so, then I put that in there. (just so you know, now my passwords are FAR more complex and that one is not in use) so, then it was a few years more, and I had been blogging for quite some time, and my other one, guineabig studios, mainly now something past and from "childhood", I wanted something that I could post unrelated random stuff on, so I created something new, and decided to name it the name of my favorite number, 89millionAnd7, or 89000007, and then came up with an awesome home made background, now used and seen if you look behind the thing with text. so, I posted my first post, then ended up posting every day for like a week about Mo the caterpillar, and found the idea of making it a daily blog! just so you know, since then, 89millionAnd7 and 89000007 have become my web identities and I have not broken my daily record since sometime mid October of 2010. that's every day of some one's life, and that time has been one of the most life changing times of my life... changed my identity completely... actually it started June 2010, or November 2009. so, yeah. anybody who reads this every day is technically a stalker. so, anyways, I am very tired, and need my sleep. there, you have the history children, and now it's bed time. AND I'M 4556 DAYS OLD!!!V=D

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