Monday, May 2, 2011

AGAIN, so many things I can name this post, and NO INTERRUPTIONS!

so, today I had marimbas, and someone spent an excessively long time trying to teach me a lead line, which I greatly appreciated and would of not had patience for. so, I have decided to continue with that part, however hard it may be. there's been a lot of occurrences like that kind of. so, also, I had a dream last night, but I only remember 2 parts of it, one I can't post on here really, and another which was just brief. so, this guy walks up to this kid that he knew at this ancient market place. the kid looked like someone kind of famous in that town, and had a similar name, so the guy asked "how are you doing, (what ever the kid's name was)" and the kid replied "well, for one, I'm not going by that name anymore. you see, I wouldn't want to get mixed up with (what ever the sort of famous guy's name was)" and walks away, and the guy says randomly, "I hate John McCartney." and when I woke up, I was like "what next, Paul Lennon?" so, then I went to school, and open my planner to this week, for the FIRST time. and about the planner, I got it from school, and it says things in it, like facts and things to help you to "success", so, the message this week was "Milk and cookies make a tasty combo. Lennon and McCartney made great music. Yellow and blue combine to give you green. Where do you see synergy?" then I was like "John McCartney, Lennon and McCartney... strange coincidence" so, then later I had science and saw something about volcanoes witch inspired me to make nachos at my grandmas, then later art, and finished my project, then I had piano, which reminded me that I had to practice more. so, then I went to my grandmas, watched a few movies, got new headphones, and here I AM! AND I'M 4550 DAYS OLD!!!! =D

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