Friday, May 27, 2011


so, as I sat at a random table and ate lunch today, I pondered the meaning of life and the complexity of it and come up with theories of how the world will end as I usually do and came up with the topic: WHAT DO THEY PUT IN THOSE FISH STICKS TO MAKE THEM SMELL SO GRUESOMELY BAD??? (I have tried to fit a GOOD word to put in there, but I couldn't until I found that one. I even tried to come up with a single syllable food that would sound good, but all I got was fudge... that doesn't sound good, like if I said "what do they put in those fish sticks to make them smell so fudging bad" really loud in my room and some random lady was walking by with a preschooler they would be like "WATCH YOUR MOUTH!!!! CHILDREN!!!!! I WILL KEEL YOO!!!!!! I WILL UNLEASH MY NINJA POWER-" okay,,, maybe not that bad... but fudge doesn't sound good! I can think of 2 others that wouldn't either...) well, and I also thought HOW DISGUSTING THE MILK WAS!!!!! ITS LIKE THICK ARTIFICIAL BROWN STUFF!!!!! (don't worry it's CHOCOLATE.) (I THINK)(well, not too sure...) well, where was I going with this again? I don't have a clue. well... I had a dream when my mom could text Ringo Starr! (that's all I remember because it was kind of weird) so, I was like stating my opinion on something... I forgot... and then she said "well Ringo doesn't like it" and I say "how do you know?" and she said "I asked him!" and I kind of stair at her for I don't know how long, because if your mom says she's been conversing with your FAVORITE drummer in the world about simple subjects like opinions on furniture (I think it was furniture) then your going to think that PRETTY weird, right? well, then I say something like "WHAT????"and she says "I texted him!" and I don't know what I do... probably stand there making squeaky noises for a few minuets... (in real life it probably wouldn't be that long... this is a dream... I would of been like ha. ha. that's a strange joke. RIGHT? YOUR KIDDING, RIGHT?) yeah, so I end up being able to send him a text but I'm kind of nervous and cant think of anything good so I text "so, what's your favorite color?" lame, right? WHAT WOULD YOU DO? well, then I remember something about poodles... but that's all... well, tonight I watched a movie! it was about this guy who accidental travels back in time to the children's crusade, and ends up in it saving them all, and then travels back just in time... it reminded the common daydreams I've had about "what if I some how found myself in Aurevitia?"(that would be a place I made up, a country set in a similar time) and then I'd have to be from a noble family in order to see much, then I could meet General Ziru, Prince Felix, Prince Damian, Princess Alanna, possibly even Prince/King Alexzander, all characters of my creation deep in the plot of it. of coarse there are many generations... that would be the most developed one so far... it would most likely be in the middle of the war, the one that joins Aurevitia and Laeviria and most of the "known world", but of coarse there's more that they find a few decades later... maybe quite some time, maybe 2 generations away... they do have short lifetimes I've realised. wait- how did I get on this topic? well, I'm tired! and I need to get to bed! well, now I'm 4575 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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