Wednesday, May 25, 2011


HI! as I brushed my teeth tonight, I thought "WHAT EVER COLOR TOOTH PASTE YOU HAVE YOUR TEETH WILL ALWAYS LOOK BAD WHEN YOU BRUSH THEM." but then I got an idea: WHAT IF TOOTH PASTE WAS YELLOW OR ORANGE???? BRILLIANT! I'll call it: Esteem-Paste! Toothpaste for the self-imagely challenged! =D! (yeah, that's me right there, except for me WHO CARES HOW YOU LOOK??? if you have a good sized nose (from medium to EXTRA EXTRA EXTRA LARGE!) and awesome eyebrows, you should look automatically awesome) but really, JUDGE ON PERSONALITY AND DEEDS! (unless they did something bad and drastically changed and regret it) so, anyways... how did this come up? well, anyways... I CAN'T BELIEVE I HAVEN'T MENTIONED IT! I WAS TRYING OUT BEING A VEGETARIAN FOR ONE DAY AND DID IT ACCIDENTALLY THE SECOND AND WOULD OF TODAY ASIDE FROM SOME FEW DISGUSTING BITES FROM A CHICKEN NUGGET! EEW! I have concluded: I WILL BE A VEGETARIAN EXCEPT I WILL (seldom) EAT FISH, AND IF I EVER GO TO EUROPE AGAIN (likely) OR SOME OTHER PLACE WITH COOL FOOD I MIGHT MAKE A FEW CHANGES FOR A WHILE! FROM NOW ON! MEAT IS SOOOOO DISGUSTING! EVER SINCE I HAD A DAY PURPOSEFULLY WITHOUT IT AND ATE A BITE IT HAS BEEN SOOOOO DISGUSTING!!!!! well, following in the footsteps of the 3/4 now that I think of it... I have to thank Paul McCartney for some of it because I would of never tried out just that one day with out him, and my follower of this blog Annabeth713, and the many people around me. I agree with Ringo: IT IS GOOD FOR YOU! and meat simply isn't that appetizing. IT'S FLESH FROM ANIMALS SITING IN A CAGE GIVEN WEIRD MEDICATION AND GETTING TORTURED! JUST IN A CAGE! (okay, not all is like that) BUT IT'S FLESH FROM KILLED ANIMALS! so, also, I have been reading The Throne of Fire lately, and my favorite character Carter ("home schooled" with his dad who traveled all around the world as an archaeologist and is fascinated with ancient history and such, and is AWESOME) liked this girl Zia (normally I'm not really into love stories, but when it comes to nerds and geeks and such, well, my opinion is different) but later she turned out to be a shabti (a clay person who can come to life in a way temporarily as a servant, and in this case was pretending to be her and it's memories were sent to the real Zia) and the shabti broke, and as Carter said "it gave the term 'breaking one's heart' a whole new meaning" and now he finaly finds the real Zia, (her master put her to sleep and hid her in a tomb and then he died) and SHE HATES HIM!!!! WHO COULD DO SUCH A THING!?!?!?!?!? TO A GUY LIKE CARTER ESPECIALLY!!!! MEH! on the other hand, his 12 YEAR OLD sister Sadie has both a god (Anubis) and a blood of the pharaohs guy after her, both she calls "hot" and she complains. (I'd personally go with Anubis though, just saying) so, anyways... anything else I can rant and rave about? um... nah, I'm good. no more death scenes I've come up with today... nothing like the killing of one of your own created characters to put you down... well, anyways... I'M 4573 DAYS OLD!!! =D

-OH WAIT! I do have more! I tried drawing Ringo and George today! Ringo is okay so far, but George is in an earlier stage in the drawing process and looks like some VERY strange toddler... luckily I got past my "ugly" stage of Ringo, I'd never thought that Ringo could be ugly... but if you saw this picture... IT JUST WASN'T RINGO YET. IT JUST WASN'T RIGHT. you want to see a picture I took of it earlier with my camera? (just the part with Ringo, NOT GEORGE.):(it may be slightly distorted because of the paper isn't stiff) OH! and I got this weird thing to measure my heart rate or something. I HAVE TO WEAR IT TO BED AND TO EVERYWHERE! EXCEPT IN WATER! FOR LIKE 30 DAYS! (just in case something weird happens again, I just press a button) AND IT'S STUCK ON ME WITH STICKERS! it's a little weird having wires from your chest going into a little box that's SUPPOSED to fit in your pocket... well, anyways, I NEED SLEEP NOW! =D

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