Monday, May 23, 2011

hi people!!! "And in the end the more love you take, equals the love you make!" not the other way around, listen to the music. it just happens to be the last song recorded to appear in an album by all of them, while they were a band. GOOD DAY SUN SHINE!

hi, today I found out something! did you notice how I was like really depressed for a long time a while ago, to the point of not knowing the point behind living at all, for no reason at all, like a month ago, starting November or December, mainly January-March? and now I AM LIKE I USED TO BE? from SOME TIME WHEN I WAS BEATIFIC? LIKE ALL THE TIME? is it only a coincidence that then was when the sun was gone? and I just happen to live in a very cloudy cold place? I need to look up on that. the question is: can lack of the sun and warm weather make someone depressed to a high level? now if you know me, I don't really show my feelings much, because I HONESTLY THINK THAT IS KIND OF- frankly, I don't even know. there isn't a word that comes to mind, but I actually do know. you may know by my posts though. if you have an analytical type of mind. yes. so, I did a cool thing in art, had to do with glass that will be melted, and I WILL CALL SOME PERSON BOB. FOR NOW. Hi Bob! your probably not reading this, but, WHY? you do not need to know what I mean. in case you haven't noticed bob, this world isn't a happy perfect world, and that is called FRIENDLY, to a unusual extent. you still don't need to know what I am typing about. well, anyways, I had to edit my piano piece, so it can be played for my recital, but I WILL LEARN THE WHOLE THING. yeah. well, piano lessons gave me an idea for my story today... I think Aurevitia should have some sort of piano like instrument. that the rich and royal would learn to play. FELIX WOULD BE GREAT AT IT! speaking of them, I came up with a VERY sad but lesson teaching death for a character. General Ziru. I do like that character, one of my favorites, and writers say that is like picking a favorite child. if I really think about it now, it could make me cry, if I really thought about it. that might trigger the death of Alexzander, and I really would be sad. he is in the top 3 most likely. he'd be heartbroken... the two really do (or did, it depends on what time) have a weird relationship, highly uncommon for a general and a prince/king. well, anyways, I really ought to get to bed... today I realised how much "totus" sounded like "toad" when I answered the phone to my mom "Salve totus!" (hello all) well, also, I AM 4571 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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