Wednesday, October 1, 2014


I just finished up a commercial on note taking for a school project. You'd think I was going to film school XD I'm far too much of an over achiever... I'm also practicing a lines for a play this fall. I do everything. My commercial has stopped rendering and is now converting in quick time... It never told me what it was converting to, but I'll just expect the program knows its stuff.
So, that dosn't work. View was stretched and the whole thing was mute. I'll just fix it in the morning.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Hello there.

It is currently 2049 hours. My face is moisturising.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

"Do what you wish with it."

Well, today was a tuesday, Chubber was fat, and I started casting some silicone molds. YEAH.
I should start saying things on here.
I did have an interesting dream last night, with characters resembling greek mythology.
It was a mythological story where there was a battle between these gods, and many of them died. In the turmoil, Earth turned barren, much like Mars. There was one man left. He met the god of magic, a very old man, who turned him into the god of Earth. He could suddenly do all of these things, though there wasn't much to do. To restore things, he went on a journey with the old god in a golf cart, and met a woman- The goddess of the moon. They got married soon after, and continued on their journey. Soon he made it to a large city (The dream wasn't really consistent, though this could have been thousands of years later when humanity was restored) and found himself bewildered- The human world was so inharmonious, so odd, as cars rushed around him. Someone started to come up behind him, and in self defense he attacked the man- To see that he wasn't really threatening him at all. So, seeing that the man was not sneaky but just slow to his standards, he turned him into the god of speed. This surprised the man, as he shot up into the sky with luminous green shoes. The earth god tried to find him to sort things out, which he eventually did. For a while he was in the human world, wandering in shops and in neiborhoods, finding the goddess of love (thought to be killed in the battle) disguised as a squirrel. That's all I remember.

Friday, September 5, 2014

I think I may have temporarily averted my hair crisis.

Yeah. There's always hair angst. I blame my hair for everything. It just so happens that when my hair looks cool, everything looks cool. The opposite is also true.
Why do I care? Being so vain does not really match my personality. I wasn't before- it's an insecure sort of vain. Usually I'd look into the mirror, and it's looking good. I'll just continue to blame my hair, and compare it to the likes of Jimmy Page and Roger Daltrey. I don't have one of those faces that look good with just anything.
Being insecure about my apperance just dosn't suit me- I wasn't insecure when I was a hopeless fat nerd child. It was when I looked decent, but far from masculine.
I need side burns. I'll look awesome in three years, I'll be able to make any legal change I want. I wouldn't be entirely financially independent, so I'd be able to save up enough for a nice jacket. I'd need insurance. I really need insurance, but I don't want to deal with that.
The acne will be gone in 6 months. CLAP FOR ME. Then it will be 48 days until I am 6000 days old. I need to put that on a calendar.

IN OTHER NEWS, I just completed my first AP Calculus assignment! I HAVE FINALLY REACHED MY GOAL I HAD WHEN I WAS 9 YEARS OLD- To take a college math course before college. I feel accomplished. I am probably the first in the history of my ancestors to have done so. YEAH FUTURE.
Wait a second- Will I the last of my bloodline? Will it just end right when someone takes Calculus? I suppose they could clone me from DNA samples.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Return to life as we know it.

Well, tomorrow I'll show up, and get things done. I just hope my guts don't fail me. There's something crucial I'll have to do tomorrow, something potentially awkward yet far superior in the long run. It'll be a learning experience, sure.
Other than that, I'm not too concerned about school starting up again.
Just thinking, soon I will have had this blog for 4 years. Sure, it's started to die off, but hopefully that will end and my posting will resurge yet again.
Chubber is afraid of crepe paper.
And I've been confused about the simplest of things. Hopefully that'll change. I'll make myself food tomorrow. Good day.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Hello, there.

"I shouldn't have to explain my frame of mind to you." He said, nearly choking on his words. He had no idea why, but he did. "I just... I'm just tired of it all." He sat down and put his hand on his head. "I don't like it."
"Well, you got your life out in front of you to go this far, why can't you just keep on-"
"You're messing with stuff- That's the problem with all of you! Gosh, you were around generations and generations- Seen things I couldn't have dreamed. You'll be the oldest man alive, and I'll be dead. You will kill me, and you'll feel guilty for it, and then you'll find yourself some other bright young thing to get to follow you around, and plunge into your terrible, horrible machines." He took a tab of paper out of his pocket with shaky hands, placing it on his tounge as he always did. He sighed, then pounded his fist on the table.
"I told you they would lose their use-"
"Don't tell me what to do. I've had enough, and it doesn't matter." He folded his arms, staring at the flawless tiles below his feet for a while. "Can't you see- I doubt you can even feel that much guilt. Look at me- My own parent engineered me as some kind of relic. You're real, like all of the old ones and the ones that don't have a billion pennies to their names. Dark eyes and wiry hair, a longer face and large hands. I'm something they fished out of somewhere far from nostalgic, some kind of prehistoric joke. Like all of my generation. I probably don't have any real DNA in me, with this yellowish hair and pale eyes- Just like the movies. Like some sort of toy, and I still get those odd looks from people. Whoever did this to me didn't even have the decency to stick around."
"In my time people were different. I remember when-"
"And I don't. There is no way for you to know what that is like. You have seen the rise and fall of civilizations, you have walked upon open, living soil. You have seen the sky a blue that I can never see. You have expirienced life, and belonged to it, and you still want to mess around things you have no buisness with."
"Alkyrteen, it's discovering a new world, discovering many new worlds, risking sacrifice for discovery of wonderous things, that's what we've dedicated our lives to."
"That's all I could do. It's all I could think, and I'm sick of it. I've seen things burn, I've seen people die, I've seen what I could very well become if I stuck around as long as you have. I've seen what could be the future, I could see the past. Some day, you're going to shove me into something that'll make me mad, or blind, or torn up into a bunch of rotting pieces. I am not an apprentice, but a slave to what you call 'Discovery'."
"You've got to stop taking those pills or whatever you've cooked up for yourself. They're killing your brain."
"You're not going to even say anything to me, then. Just going to walk off, because you're above anything that isn't cerebral after being so old."
"Look, I care about you. Is that what you want to hear? I care about you so much that I'm still going. This could have been my last trip out, could have disconnected when I was past the gravity shield and floated to the nearest star. My work had been the love of my life, and I was starting to lose touch with it. And you show up, giving me a spark of curiosity again. I'm going on with my projects, and you don't have to follow me. I'll go in myself, by myself, and hope that the radiation or atmospheres doesn't get me. If I had relied on anything else, I would have been gone a long time ago. But I relied on my brain, like a computer. I'm not real- I've lived for nearly nine centuries. You're as real as anyone I've seen, from the 23rd century to now. I may be reckless, but after all of these years, I feel guilt better than any other man in the world. If anything would happen to you, I would be through."

Saturday, August 16, 2014


I had solid food today. It was good. Most definitely.
I like food.
50 WPM, MAN.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014


I got my wisdom teeth out yesterday, and apparently I was singing a song about elements in the car over. I don't recall acting out of the ordinary. Then again, I can only recall slowly falling asleep, and then asking for a "special pen", one of the shiny pens they had on the desk. I remember thinking that if I remembered, I'd ask for the pen. And I did, because now I have one on my desk.
And now I know what I would look like if I gained 50 pounds.
 I cannot express how glad I am that this is not my permanent state of being.
It is interesting to be so rounded in the face- and the swelling just gets worse and worse. Tomorrow I may have a quadruple chin.

I miss my last week face.

Saturday, August 9, 2014


It's been a while. I CONTROL THIS. I can do what I want.
And I have a chubby fat cat on my lap, so I thought it was time to revisit this. There you go.
I found out today that Rhett and Link had a television show, Commercial Kings. WHY HAVN'T I SEEN IT BEFORE?
Fat purring friend.

Monday, July 21, 2014


Well, someone out there has recieved a letter. CONGRATULATIONS! That is a nice sized chunk of a word.
Today I suppose I made progress. How typical.
I want to order materials, but the shipping is far too much for my liking. What a pity.
I need spheres. Perfect spheres. 14mm, 23mm, 32mm, 16mm (most likely comes in a marble that I have), 24mm (another marble size, I think), 11mm, and 18mm (flexible size, could size up).

Okay, looked it up. 12mm, 25mm, 14mm, 16mm, and 19mm are all standard sizes. FANTASTIC. That leaves 23mm and 32mm. Those two are my two least flexible sizes and will be harder to find. I have found 23 mm, but it is a bit expencive. Worth getting, though.
OH. 32mm=1.25 inches. I'll try looking in inches. 23= .9 inches, a bit harder, though I've found it.
I'll just have to look at my marbles. I have a 16mm on the large side, a 24 on the large side, and unfortunatley that's it. I'll have to look around.

Friday, July 18, 2014


And I got new shoes. And I am tired. GOOD DAY, GOOD FRIENDS.
It was a chance, a chance to fly to Mars- a chance to go home.
But there was competition.
Being one of the 1% most intelligent people on the planet was lucky. Being acknowledged after sending in a request as one of 600 in 27,000 people was very very lucky.
But what I did today would determine the rest. Only fifteen people on the entire planet could excape the blue planet. Those fifteen would probably be superhumans- or geniuses- the best minds the world has to offer.
But then again, I had done it before, done more than any of them. But what was more likely? One out of 250 million or fifteen out of four billion? I did the math- something so elementary. A grin crept up on my face. I might have just had a chance.

Thursday, July 17, 2014


Circle time circle time everybody circle time.
Today Handy was released. Enough said.
I would like to see The Compleat Al. I can only find it on bit torrent sites with illegal looking advertisements and look as if I simply clicked on something my hard drive would spontaneously combust, and on amazon on VHS for $18 USED. Oh, the humanity.

I read some of my blog post. Your mother should know.

Wednesday, July 16, 2014


I watched Weird Al's new video today. I must say, it is utterly fantastic. I can't tell you how many times I've watched it today- I can visualise the looks of each scene perfectly in my head now, and it has only been accessable for the public today.
In other news, I am nearly finished with the leg sculpting. CLAP FOR ME. I just need to bake and sand and create the official knees. The torso needs some work, as it has become misshapen over time. The arms- I don't even know what to do with the arms. It would help if they were all the same color. The face is great. Aside from being slightly asymmetrical, it is perfect to my standards. He's gorgeous. Just needs the back of his head and ears sorted out. And the torso. And the arms. The feet may need a bit of touch ups too. As well as the hands. But the legs are nearly finished- It's been under a year since I even started planning, I think I'm doing good. I will make myself a goal- It will be ready for casting before school starts. YES.

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

I belive I have found something truly remarkable.

For some reason, this has been around since 2009 and it's taken until now for me to see it:
Yes. It's wonderful.
I also have seen Weird Al's new video, Tacky. If you havn't seen it, you may never find the latest in Weird Al dance moves.
I got suspenders today.
And a shirt.
Chubber is fat.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

It's Spongebob's birthday tomorrow, according to my iCalendar. Don't let me forget.

I perfected some clay hands today. They need a bit of touch ups and sanding, but they look great on the top side. The mouth isn't too parted anymore, but I'm a little worried about how his chin is turning out. It's something easy to fix anyways. It would be nice to make a push mold for the face to have a starting template for the others- It would just make things so much easier. I just wonder how good it would be without endangering my original. I could cast his face in- NO. Not just for a template at this stage. Forget my speculations and wonderings. Good day, fair citizens of planet Earth, I shall retrieve something from the level up and then let my mind return to a dormant state until the next day. Well, it will likely be the next day when that happens, but ah well. Ah well, oh well, Eh.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I kicked a kitty

Hello, fair citizens of this planet and all others. I thought I should speak my mind again today. However blank and usual it is. Usually it's not, so I'd think it should be find. I'm not looking at my keyboard, and I won't for quite some time. I'll see how it turns out.  can't see what I've written before, just relying on memory. I woner if it will engage deeper thought=- Not foucusing on spelling, just the intsinctual typing of y fingerx. Second nayture. Ver;y natural to our new day and age. It's rather quiet at this time of night. I like it  though I'm sort of tiring. I had pastatoday. Things go so much quicket ain dreams. Then again, paper can hold a cinnema.  So can the human brain, but you'd have to unravel it to get past the junk and whatever else. I've just realised that my room is predominately blue. I s;u[[osed I made it like that, and on purpose, but that was years ago. It has maintained it's color scheme, just from my color preference and the things I like just so being in that category. I have my yellow submarine stuff, my hot space album on the wall, my other posters, my sgt pepper drawing, that printed out photograpb of freddie mercury I taped up there after I used it as a drawing reference. It looked cool and the printer didn't emess it up, so why shouldn't it be there? I still have that fish I made in fourth grade. It's filled with paper towels for crying out loud. I like the coulors though. All of my favorites, with a couple of random ones thrown in. Like purple. I like purple now. I suppose I wasn't keen on it then, but it is a fine color. And it's held up by a string I muyst have gotten in first grade. Why do I still have this stuff- and how havn't I notised it? It's been years since I put it up, and it hasn't falen down or anything. But still, it hasn't been so long that I shouldn't remember puting  it there. I've got all of this stuff I never use or look at, yet I havn't parted with it yet. My callendar is still on may. My old one was still on october 2011 until I decided to replace it. This one will probably stay on 2014 for another 3 years. Or I'll be out of this room by then, I never can tell. mY SSCULPTING'S LOOKING NICE.
Look at that, I reversed the capslock. I'm glad I caught that XD. Not too many spelling errors, but I have got this annoying m in front of everything I've been typing -->m


Brian looks happy.

I've had this blog for 1373 days now. Someone should clap for me. I could look at my life on here, if I wanted to. Read between the lines of my absent minded typing away. I could never put anything between the lines right up front, as I can't really now, but it's there somewhere. Somewhere there's that odd fellow, smiling at everyone, going about life until it hits him in the face, leaving him to lay face down on a couch or a bed somewhere. Then he gets up, and it continues on again. Like a sinusoidal graph, has highs and lows. The worst of lows, but it always goes back up and sometimes stays there for a while. Losing touch with any aspect of life, from physical to eternal, then getting back up again. "Don't stop me now, I'm having a good time- I don't want to stop at all!" Because the show must go on. Chanting the daily mantra- Whatever it may be- To get him through the day. Sometimes it's rather easy, sometimes it's a piece of cake, and sometimes he just wants to cut it short, get it over with and never see a new day again.
Goodness, it could happen within a day, possibly a few hours. Some bloody thing is bound to set it off, but it always goes away with ignorance. Ignore the pain of doubt. You're doing fine, you're not doing anything wrong. You know you can't. And he realizes, things from God shouldn't make you want to kill yourself. And he's doing alright. He's getting along well, the same old story no matter how far it changes. The time between 10/8/10 and now has seen the day his childhood died abruptly, though he may not have been entirely aware at the time. It had seen the realisation that made him laugh and cry at the same time, making him happy no one else was around to see. It had seen the time when his stomach had sank to an all time low after a moment of stupid bravery, probably more than twice. It would always get better afterwards. Time has watched him put on a smile as a mask in the face of dificulty, but eventually set it straight. It's alright now, that good old odd fellow is doing fine, fantastically so. Except for this unfortunate headache, must be time to end the day and get ready for the next one.

I'm truly sorry if I've disappointed you. But I'm feeling alright today. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014


My pinky is dying on the bit that I cut off, and I will bathe chubber tomorrow AND make tempura yam/sweet potato. YEAH. POTATOES POTATOES TOES TOES POTATOES.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014


I'm making tempura in the future. I think. I'll say how it goes. I'll do tofu, sweet potato, zuchini, and have all of the sauce. It will be most excellent. Then I'll make ice cream with honey, or a very custard like ice cream. I cut a sliver of my pinky off yesterday, mostly just skin, and it stayed on afterwards. Chubber's been happy. Yeah. I'm tired. I had a great dream night before last, but I am too lazy to recount it. I've wrote it down, though. I have muffins, too. 

Monday, June 30, 2014


Well, I'm back home with my overweight cat friend by my side and coconut oil in my hair. I'm starting to get some arm muscles. And I got new pants in the mail. And I have my NEW QUEEN SHIRT. ENVY ME XD
A weekend of Queen and affordable sushi, and now Chubber. My life is complete. 

Saturday, June 28, 2014

In the land that our grandchildren knew

WELL, I havn't posted in ten days, mainly for lack of internet and partially from laziness, BUT NOW I MUST SAY SOMETHING. I saw Queen today, and it was absolutely fantastic! Brian May was amazing, so was Roger Taylor, and Adam Lambert, who fit surprisingly well. Freddie would have liked him. But Brian did this long guitar solo- MAN. IT WAS AMAZING. And I never knew what '39 was about- I had always really liked it, but now it's even better. And I'm in the magical land of Canada, which is truly awesome in its self (not to mention the cheap raw fish)


Wednesday, June 18, 2014

I wore my hat today for a brief segment of time

I don't have much to say, though I'd like to get in a regular habit of posting.
I did find this:
This will be amazing. I need it. 

Tuesday, June 17, 2014


Yes, I'm mad about old disney movies again. They were GOOD.
I thought James Cameron's Avatar was probably the best movie I had seen when I was eleven for a few hours to days after I saw it (hard to believe it was nearly five years ago) and was fascinated by it. Because I was eleven, and at that time anything of the sort could have seemed sophisticated.
Now, if your brain has developed to a level higher than that, you can see that it certainly isn't the best movie ever. It does contain some very impressive graphics, but otherwise there is much to be desired. Just imagine it as a play. It is as if they don't expect the viewer to be intelligent enough to detect the mood without profanity.
Now, look at disney's Atlantis. I always wanted to watch that as a kid- I had when it had come out I'm sure, but unfortunately was too young to actually remember it. So, I watched it now. I was far more entertained by it than avatar (Not to mention the overrated monstrosity that is Frozen), and loved the animation. You could mute it and still get the story- It's an art form of its own. I miss that.
They are all sellouts now.
Anyways, if you watch the two, there are alarming similarities, as if the guy was taking notes while watching Atlantis. This isn't My Sweet Lord and He's So Fine- This is like Ice Ice Baby and Under Pressure. I'd say worse, except for the blasphemous nature of the rap song. The union of Queen and David Bowie on a record should be regarded as sacred.

I think I may have strayed from the point. But, here's a lesson:
NEVER put any part of a great song in a rap song. Not from Queen, David Bowie, Supertramp, Elton John, or anyone else I've heard copied in a rap song. Or, God forbid, The Beatles.
Good night, children. Pay attention to what you swallow and what you put on your toast.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

I almost felt like something was worth saying today

But I just couldn't find the words. Not that the world would listen any way, it's nothing they've never heard. So I sit back down in the same old chair, waste my day away. Meanwhile, on the other side, they've just sold my life yesterday.
I may be just the same old man, with the same old song and the same old plans. I might be the man from another year, who's come back to tell all who can hear. I might just be confused, but so tired of being hung up and used.

Friday, June 13, 2014


Well, I practically finished a year of school. I just have one class on monday that I'm not sure about. And I got rid of some things on my hard drive, giving me SPACE. YEAH. My goal is to lose around 80 GB. I'm halfway there, at only 200 on my hard drive. My computer needs a diet program. I'll call it ByteWatchers. Spellcheck somehow doesn't find anything wrong with that word.
ANYWAYS, I won on my finals- On my chemistry, I somehow managed TO GET EVERY SINGLE QUESTION RIGHT... I got a mega A. And I ate food. Good food. I am happy and content.

Wednesday, June 11, 2014


Well, had my last wednesday-friday classes today. CLAP FOR ME. I'm also attempting to download portal. I'm joining the ranks of the nerds.

Tuesday, June 10, 2014


My head hurts, but I finished something, so I am accomplished. 

Monday, June 9, 2014


Well, my cat is fat and my throat made an odd sound.
I ordered some lennonesqe glasses today.
I made food.
Mother superior jumped the gun.
Man, who needs TV when I've got T-Rex?

Saturday, June 7, 2014


It's late and it's been a while. Here I am.
I think love has been mistaken.
And I should have made myself a pizza.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Well, I've been watching disney films today... Back when animation was good.
Why isn't it good anymore? Why can't they bring the intelligence back into entertainment? What has happened?
Like Frozen. Everyone says it's the best film ever, but it can't compare to disney before cgi. Well, the first few were good- Toy Story, Monsters Inc., Finding Nemo... And after I was a kid, they all went down hill. Stupid entertainment- Why? They've gotten tired of doing what they aspired to do in the first place and just want something marketable with story lines and emotions cut into bite sized portions? I want another great cartoon, with real animation, with a great storyline, characters- And actually good music, too.
To be honest, Frozen was awful. It did have some promise, especially compared to the kids stuff I've seen today, but I started watching the movies from when I was hardly old enough to remember them. They were great. They didn't rely on the toilet humor you see today, or the simple concepts, or the funny looking characters. They were actual stories- Except animated and without content a child shouldn't see. Strip it down to the core, and it was entertaining on a deeper level. Made me want to write, though I wouldn't say that my writing is kid friendly the majority of the time. But the kind of writing that could be, and still be entertaining for myself and others, is what I'm talking about. I don't know why this makes me so upset, but it does. It's art- Something that I live for- And it's dying out. Like the music industry, though that went a long time ago in my opinion. What is going on?
Someone needs to revive everything, unless this is a sign of some sort, of a greater era or an end to life as we know it. Or all life at all. Well, probably not- We just need people to dig their brains out from technology and move forward. It's isolating people, in a way, though I wouldn't just pull the plug on innovation. There's just something wrong with what we're doing. Must be.
Though I started on entertainment. Entertainment does offer great insight to society- Though we've made great strides towards things that make my future look very bright, we're missing something. We have the equality that will allow people like me to feel like they belong in society, but I'm not sure if society is well itself.
I blame the sellouts, corporations, capitalism and ignorance.
I blame the man. 

Saturday, May 31, 2014

And there was dirt.

Well, last night I had an interesting dream.
The Philippines were constantly annoying Canada, which turned into a war. After years of peace, Canada apparently decided it had enough, and then had a dictator in power. On the news it was announced that Canada was planing to nuke the Philippines, and showed the likelihood of the event each hour, as if it were some sort of election. I was calling the country of Canada- Because apparently Canada had a phone number and I knew it- and convincing them not to. Things were looking bright, but then I couldn't find the number on caller ID. I was waiting and terribly upset, though others just seemed moderately bothered by it- As if their favorite sports team was losing. Then, things took a turn for the worst and Canada nuked them. I was very, VERY mad at Canada and humanity itself. Everything was dead there, and would remain dead. I decided I couldn't bear living life with humanity anymore, and that I would go on a one way trip to Mars as soon as it became possible. Everyone else just saw it as a sad event, and moved on. Meanwhile, Canada's ruler built New Canada, a floating artificial land mass with layers and layers of buildings, near the Philippines for Canadian colonists and survivors of the nukes. There were two layers to this place: The colonist level, and the lower level for the Filipinos. They had the same currency, but the money was treated very differently in the two levels, as was every aspect of life, though they were only separated by a glass staircase. You had to pay to go up and look around, but there was no fee to go down. That was where all the affordable shopping was, the cheap labor, and anything they could take advantage of. The lower level was starving in small communes, while the colonists got large suites built into the artificial land mass, over looking the ocean. The dictator was getting very rich on this, and I, who must have been some sort of government official, came to talk about how things were being run. She claimed that the government was communist, but there was obviously great inequality. Sure, they may have been on the separate levels, but nothing really linked the two. She admitted that the communism was really just a front, but I was recording it. I showed the UN- Who apparently would only interfere if a country labeled their government wrong- And got her out of power. It seemed that things would start to go back to some sort of equality, when she said "You think this is all over, but just you wait- This will happen all over the world." She was taken away, but it made me worried.
Meanwhile, the dream went back to myself, and I was watching the news again. It was the weather channel, and it was showing the US with different colors on it, as if tracking wind or temperature. There was waves of brighter colors going through certain areas. It was the aftermath of the nuclear bomb, reaching all the way up to the north. The man said what areas should be evacuated (massive areas of the east coast and mid west) and then zoomed in on Washington state, then on the Seattle area. He said that Seattle would only reach -49 degrees Fahrenheit, and that everyone should be fine as long as they stay in an insulated box for two weeks. I felt very relieved at this, because just north of Seattle things would be deadly. This ironically included Canada.

Thursday, May 29, 2014


Well, today was field day. There was barbecue sauce.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014


I made some 1/4 scale clothing today.
I cannot make good trousers. It is terrible XD
That's all I feel like right now- One of my fluffy friends is crying.
Good day.

Monday, May 26, 2014

I am thinking about my thinking.

I am not coy anymore
I can't take a white page and write black letters.
I need to paint them on now, but not at the time.

There is some crazy guy in my head. But there's someone he's hired to take control of me. He's finding he dosn't like this person, and dosn't need them. But they're stuck. He is stuck with this person who matches this physical world, that everyone loves just who they are- A little human in a box.
How disgusting. This crazy guy is odd now, getting bolder- Occasionally almost violent, for no reason at all. He sees something, and knows he must have it- But he's not sure what he wants.
Just knows he dosn't want this drag over him.
You know who I have to be every day? Do you know how sick I feel in my stomach when I have to write out my own name? When I hear it? I have very nearly vomited after hearing MY NAME.
"My Name." I should really fire them.
I am the crazy guy in my head. And being labeled so is making me crazy, coming out in my dreamscape.
When I don't have someone running my life, I feel great. When I'm walking alone, and no body knows me. Thinking of how good it would be if people would know my name. My real name. And they'd call me it, and I'd wave. I'd be an honest fellow, be a bit odd, but a great fellow. I would be how I feel in the mornings, strolling the halls with my head up high (or glancing low), laugh out loud, not be afraid to speak. Be a jerk, and feel sorry for it. Lose things, win things. Get the best things, make me feel alright. Worth it, like everything is worth it for Keith.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


Well, today I realised just how scrawny my action sculpture guy's (action sculpture just seems more of what I'm going for than DOLL) legs were- I always thought there was something off. His legs looked a bit long, but they were proportionable in length. Then I printed some patterns, to realise I had a problem. His hips looked way too wide for his legs. I measured my own legs to find the width of leg to height ratio, and found that there was something very wrong XD So, he's getting fatter all the time, and it's really doing him some good. On the subject of fat, my cat friend chubber has been especially violent in her attempts at hygene- Grabbing the back of my head to lick my hair. I had a dream last night, but I don't remember it, probably couldn't make more than a paragraph of it anyways. It's a shame- prevents me from journaling. Maybe I need to start a dream journal without having standards before publishing- One that no one will ever see, if all goes as planned. What have I done to my brain in the last few years? Must've hit it really hard one day around 8th grade, and forgot about it. It would explain the irregular shape of my scull.
Let's just hope I don't get bald when I'm old. The odds are not in my favor- But I'd probably still be just vain enough to wear a wig. Like Mick Jagger. It's got to be a wig.

Saturday, May 24, 2014


Well, I got my hair cut yesterday. It's all short and nice now. It looks awesome. I had a dream where I joined a nomadic amish group lead by Weird Al, and we'd forage through forests for hours. Whilst being amish. Also, before that, it was 1970 when the Beatles broke up, and Ringo died- But Ringo was Ringo's favorite Beatle, so he was sad, while the other Beatles were disapointed because The Beatles were their favorite band. It's confusing looking back- I think they must have been existing in parallel realities, while knowing of eachother but somehow not recognising that they were in fact the same people. And that there were two Ringos. Also, someone's face got peeled off sometime in all of that, didn't have anything to do with much of it. I think he was put in jail, but like a jail hospital. I have strange bumps on my wrist. It's a bit odd.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Well, today I worked on a leg. SOMEONE CLAP FOR ME. I also listened to The Who By Numbers, probably the fifth time in two days. It was like The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars or Lola versus Powerman and The Moneygoround, Part One all over again. I'm sure there were more like that- Abbey Road (besides the fact that it was one of my only three albums at the time), Queen II, Tommy, The Best of T. Rex, Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band and so on. Things that I had to listen to repeatedly right when I got them. I should make a best albums list. HERE WE GO (not in any particular order, and without "best of" albums):

The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and The Spiders From Mars (Which I have played all of the way through at least 60 times according to iTunes)
Abbey Road
A Night at the Opera
Lola versus Powerman
Led Zeppelin IV
The White Album
Sgt. Pepper's
Diamond Dogs
Queen II
Led Zeppelin II
Physical Graphitti (Or however you spell it)
News of The World
Sheer Heart Attack
Breakfast in America
The Who Sell Out
The Who By Numbers
All Things Must Pass
Hunky Dory
Aladin Sane
The Man Who Sold The World
Live at Leeds
The Traveling Wilbury's Vol I
Rubber Soul
 The Village Green Preservation Society

There you go, TOP 27 ALBUMS, there are possibly more I'm forgetting. Those are albums, plenty of songs I thought of on the way that wern't in these but didn't fit in a really good album, was a single OR were in a best of album, like Raw Ramp, Rain, It Don't Come Easy, Instant Karma, Who Are You, Crackerbox Palace, etc.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I am awesome at this moment. Maybe. Well, I feel accomplished. LET THE BRAGGING COMMENCE.
Amazing, isn't it?
I sculpted this guy. But that's not all.

Here he is now, two months later.
YEAH. Just need to work on the arms and one of the legs and I'll be well on my way. Then it will be the detail work. Before then, I'd like to get a wig for him.

 Big difference, as you can see. Besides being full alien and disguised as human.
 And here's some more pictures.

I call this one "DAFUQ"

Monday, May 19, 2014


I should put something of significance on here, but I'm not sure. 
That's all of it. This song is over.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Pictures are more than 1000 words- They can communicate what words cannot, mostly unknowingly.

You know, some day I'll have a different blog. And this one. Or maybe I'll just morph it. But one entirely anonymous would be ideal... For the longest time I've had the feeling that I've been hiding behind a rock- Likely just a congealed chunk of mud, dwindling away with rain. I'm not sure if I like it or not. At the same time, very isolated. But I'm at peace with it now, isolation is the only problem at the moment. I don't know what I'm looking for on this computer of mine, but I'm at the point where pictures make my eyes water. And I don't cry anymore.
That's a brilliant thing. There's a big difference between being moved, and being crushed. It's only been tears of realisation of potential, in a way. Reassurance. Two pictures did it for me. (Well, three, if you count that killer jacket I found online, only to realise it cost 180 pounds and I was much too small for it).
Whenever I have a question I know the answer to, I always need to be reasurred. Cowardice, perhaps. Perhaps I'm just scared. Excited, but scared. But the simplest things reasure me beyond disbelife.
I've decided to write things down now. I cannot go on talking in my head- Running out of space up there.
I can see myself in five years. Not dead, but smiling. It's one of the best things to happen to me in a long time.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

My best friend has infinite fat rolls.

Well, my face is drying up. That's the highlight of my day XD
Well, actually the real one is finding this video- Have to say, it's one of my favorite songs, just brilliant in Live at Leeds.
And that, my friend, is a reason in its self to be a mod.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Lo and Behold

I am really tired, but I must make an effort. I didn't do much today, but I have to. 
I had two poptarts today, possibly even four. I cannot remember. 

Wednesday, May 14, 2014


I now have a half finished blog for my art. SOMEONE CLAP FOR ME. I like the looks of it, and the new dynamic template is quite excellent. I was unsure of what to call it, so I just called it 89000007 ART XD It'll catch on... Maybe. When I'm done, I'll have my bjd progress, tutorials, possibly commision prices, etc. It will hopefully work for my grade. Not that I wouldn't have gotten full credit anyways, but I want it to feel like I'm doing occupational education if that's what I'm getting the credit for. ANYWAYS, I came up with the color scheme myself, so GO LOOK AT IT.
Beautiful, isn't it? I just found some files and stuck them there, I could probably find more if I looked, which I will do. Most of those are at least a year old.
My custom favicon isn't showing up yet, but when it does it should look like this:
Also made that myself, from the colors I made up.

Chubber is sleeping.

Well, I had an interesting dream last night, like an allegory for politics, nearly literal.
There was this place, could have been a small town, a city, or even a small country. It was split in two: The Right Side, and The Left Wing. My dream self lived in The Left Wing, in a classic suburban house with three parents and multiple siblings. I had never set foot in the Right Side, though had seen it on numerous occasions. The Right Side was known in The Left Wing for crossing the borders and killing its citizens, thinking it a mission from God. After all, we were all a bunch of commies.
So, I was in my house, with me and one of my sisters in the dream. I was talking, when I heard someone enter the house- A man from The Right Side. I could tell by his hostile tone and southern accent. I was scared- He heard me, and could very well kill me. My sister said that she would go out and try and drive him away. I said okay, being the coward that I was. She went out on the top of the stair case, and looked down at him. I remember he was dressed in yellow, resembling some sort of comic superhero. I peaked from behind the door, watching his arms stretch up a story tall, grab her by the neck and start to thrash her body around. I heard her suffocating screams, as she was slowly decapitated. The man made references to popular Left Wing stories as he did this, knowing I was there. He mentioned characters seen as heroes, who were assumed to have excaped and lived a happy life- He revealed their painful, sad deaths again and again, until the girl was entirely dead. Shortly after, a couple of my older brothers rushed in, after the man had gone. I was left standing there in shock over the dead body, singing a nursery rhyme about the characters he had talked about. That was all I could do.
A couple of years later, it was a celebration day. An old plane flew over the boarder, dropping baloons on the people below. The baloons were green and red on the Left Wing, white, blue with a touch of red on the Right Side. I watched it solemnly, wishing that all of them would just disapear. Every single person on the Right Side. The name sickened me- Seeming to proclaim that their point of view on life was morally right. That's what they all thought. Their side was stuck in the mindframe of centuries past, while using all of the resources available with modern technology, painting a picture in my mind of a bunch of greedy mindless folk- A bunch of bleeding capitalists, with their red, white and blue.
I couldn't see the wrongs behind the Left Wing- They were hidden from me, and I was some how aware of that fact. There were things I didn't know, but I did know that we had to be better than the Right Side.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014


Well, I was tired today, fell asleep for two hours and had a dream. It felt dark, dimly lit in the dream. But that's all.
I'm trying to get the daily thing going again. Trying XD
I don't know what I used to say.
I've been watching a lot of Good Mythical Morning. I should make some Rhett and Link action figures... That would be cool XD

Monday, May 12, 2014

Well, where do you see yourself in 20 years?
Nah, I don't like that question, it's ugly.
20 months- I'm not sure what time of year that is.
20 days. I may be able to answer that. I'd be doing the same thing.
That was anticlimactic. 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


I need to figure out how to sand a sphere. And other things, I'm sure.
Brian May.


Saturday, May 3, 2014


 YEAH. Did some facework- Something that should be a word- and it looks fantastic. Just needs a bit of work on the nose and eyelids, and he'll be good to go.

Friday, May 2, 2014

Dead, alive, dead and somewhat living again.

Well, I'll go to sleep tonight. Had a dream last night but I cannot remember it. Night before that it was very... Psychological. Interesting, and slightly disturbing. Oddly enough, it involved characters from a book I attempted to put together. I don't remember all the details, but there it was.
I just want to sleep now, no more words from me XD

Tuesday, April 29, 2014


Well, I figured out why the glass eyes I was making were fogging up- Didn't cure the resin long enough XD Had nothing to do with the fancy clay I ordered on line, but I did get a strange reaction with it (unbaked) and acrylic paint that probably was not entirely dry. But the eyes that are still good look FANTASTIC. I'll put them in my presentation for sure.
That's all XD

Monday, April 28, 2014


Well, finished a painting today. YEAH. Had a dream last night- I REMEMBER THEM AGAIN XD You see, Chuck Norris trained a group of people to go into peoples dreams and scare them, mostly for revenge. For some reason, I came across a couple of them once, and kind of forgot.
Then, in the car at night going down the hill to my house, I see a sign saying that the safety of the street had been compromised, and we start wondering what that means. We get to the house and see horses- Nothing to do with any danger, they were just there. blondish horses with braided hair. So, then we go inside, and things happen for a while. Later, people arrive and I scream- Because I'd seen them before. It was Chuck Norris's dream assassigns, dressed in nerdy 80s clothing, like Weird Al except less cool. They didn't really do much, but I awoke from it as if it were a nightmare, and woke up in another dream where I told people about it. In that dream, the Chuck Norris assassigns were still a real thing, which really should have been a clue that I wasn't awake, but I didn't pick that up for once. Would of just wound up running down docks trying to fly over rocks, and trying to summon Ziggy Stardust with my mind. At least my subconcious has matured some. Not as primitive now XD

Sunday, April 27, 2014


WELL, at the end of sunday, I always feel at least a bit more content about the fast approaching week days. Technically I did get stuff done. Also wrote on paper in a notebook, which I havn't done in a while. Something pleasing about it. Sadly it dosn't' have the versitility of the typed word.
When I record my dreams on here, I can always remember them. Unfortunately the one I had last night could only be summed up as disturbing. Well, other words, yes, but I wouldn't want to go more in depth with it. The funny thing was, the day before I saw an Anita Bryant record at goodwill. I managed to recognize her name and conservative face and proceeded to laugh. Just at the notion that she would make a record, and people would buy it. I'm sure she thought her ideas were in the right place, but man, it was funny seeing that video where someone threw a pie in her face... Ah, the 60s. Anyways, she managed to make it into my dream, just adding to the oddness.
The poor chickens, though. Would of had it better in a slaughter house. 

Saturday, April 26, 2014


Well, last night I had a dream where I went to a giant ice cream shop- Like a library of ice cream, some dating back to the 1980s. I went up to the front desk, front of the long line behind me that was constantly getting longer, and thought about what ice cream I'd get. At first I had a basic idea of what I wanted- But then I wasn't sure. I looked through the isles of ice creams, asking for sample after sample. It took me hours- While people were still waiting for their turn. I had narrowed it down to a few possible choices, when it was closing time, and the ice creams slowly disappeared, and I had missed my chance.
There was something very ominous about it. Besides the fact that they had ice cream dating back to 1984.

Friday, April 25, 2014


Well, today I did things. I did have a dream last night- Had Queen in it. Dreams with Freddie Mercury are good things. Chubber has been my fat friend today, and I have a blister on my finger.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


I have found that sculpting feet is MUCH HARDER than hands. Yeah. I keep on getting the bottom right, but the top won't look right. I think I'll jjust have to bake it, carve the extra bits off and then put more clay on for details. The bottom of the foot looks quite nice. But then you have the other foot... That's a problem. Well, it's the 23 of april, decided to try out a video compilation- Every day, I will take a video of myself, five to thirty seconds long, shooting for ten seconds- with the same idea of this blog, except quick and video like. I will summarise my day in few words and/or actions. This can be accomplished with little cognitive effort XD
One year will yeild about an hour of video... BRILLIANT. I love this. And entirely doable, considdering this blog has over 1000 posts, most of which consecutive days (until recently, when I began to slack off)
Should be interesting. YES...

Saturday, April 19, 2014


Well, I baked some clay today. And sanded, and then proceeded to sneeze.

Thursday, April 17, 2014


Well, seems like I havn't done much today, but I suppose I have. Eh.
What I did do was make a summary of the storyline of a possible graphic novel based on The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars... That would be fantastic. I'm just wondering how I'll name the supporting characters- Should I keep the names of the spiders, and make the name of the love intrest Angela, like his wife at the time? Decisions. Well, I have Trevor Boulder as Weird and Mick Woodmansey as Gilly, and might call Mick Ronson Ronno (He'll be Ziggy's bestest friend XD) And then I'll have this groupie guy who shows up once in a while... Should I call him John after John, I'm only dancing? Or possibly one of the names from Suffragette city? Ah, it's all a while off plan anyways XD Meanwhile, I'm working on a possible tshirt design for chemistry class. YEAH.
That's pretty much it. I think I will cleanse myself with Dihydrogen Monoxide. 

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Well, things are stuff, and stuff is/are things.
I think I will write a short memoir. Just for myself, unless I was really compelled to publish it solely anonymously, which I am not. The sort of things that should be clearly apparent in, say, five years time. As a sort of expiriment. I like those.
I'm getting lazy with this thing. I think I'll sleep.

Sunday, April 13, 2014


My shoulders somewhat hurt and a wisdom tooth is growing out of my gum.
I don't have much to say.
Well, I suppose I could have a lot to say, but simple cowardess prevents me. Perhaps that is what is keeping me alive, so to speak. There is a right time for everything, but cowardess does like to impress the wrong time on everything. I'm young. Should be great- Except I don't live in the future.
Yet I do live in the future, and anything is possible. For me, at least. I suppose. But ideas get painful and cowardess comes in yet again. And that is that.
I would say that I don't know what I'm talking about. The truth is, you have no idea what I'm talking about.
My name is Keith and I'm a head case, They practice making up on my face
I don't know how to spell cowardess. That's how I put it. That should be just about right. 

Wednesday, April 9, 2014


I have stuff. I need nothing. I did nothing. Yet I still exist.
I like stuff. That is good.
These are the pictures of the day XD

Sunday, April 6, 2014


Well, I'm down to my very last bits of clay. BUT I'M STILL GOING ON.
I made green tea icecream last night. It was fabulously fantastic.


He's more than a blobby block of clay now, now that I'm recycling even the oldest lumps of clay I've found, most covered in cat and artificial hair, still waiting for my order to come in.

I was using this as a back reference, when I noticed the captions.

Friday, April 4, 2014


 YEAH. Finally finalized. Nearly. Well, this was a doodle I did on the top of my laptop (RESPONCIBILITY XD) and it was far too fantastic not to keep somehow. So naturally I traced it, then scanned it in. Now I have traced over the scan, altered it a bit, and have this fantastic lineart. I'm still messing around with the colors, probably will change the purples, but other than that my tubby friend looks fantastic.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


I've been working on painting eyes today and combing Chubber. We have developed an even deeper bond XD
Here are the 4mm centers for my 8mm bowie eyes, unfortunately coated from residue from the resin that just wouldn't cure... I had to wipe it off, but to wash it entirely may remove some paint. I'm just going to wait on it. I have two pairs of blue eyes with a rainbow center, a pair of grey, three pairs of brown, a pair of black/dark brown, a pair of blue-violet and a pair of red-violet, a pair of three different kinds of greens, two kinds of yellow pairs, an orange pair, a light blue pair and a pink pair. YEAH. PROGRESS XD Next time I do this, if I do colors in bulk, I may make polymer clay canes for the centers instead, and then paint small details. Don't know how I did it last time, the centers were less than 2.5mm yet still looked great- and even without the small brushes I have now. This time the whites should be better, I got a glaze and semi-translucent clay for them.
I think I'll have to make human sized ones some day :D
At least 14mm instead of 8mm.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Well, I have a painting in the works:
As usual, you get a complimentary glimpse of my hair and fingers. Less visable, but still there.
I'm loving the magenta cloth thing- might need to put more in to bring the color out. Based on this guy:

I sort of improvised on the pattern, but I really improvised on the cloths without any manner of reference so I think I'm good XD
And all of the cards (which should be scattered on the painting when I'm done) will be aces.
All of them.
If all goes according to plans. 

Monday, March 31, 2014


Well, changed some stuff around, attempted some sculpting (But I'm running out of clay), and continued a painting I had barely started a while ago. I like it. I like it a lot. 

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Somehow I managed to neglect to post in five days. I don't know how or why that happened. But fortunately, I do know when.
In that time, my sculpt has gotten new knees, CAN STAND, AND HAS A FACE!
Celebration time.

In both, you can see a bit of my hair in it's natural habitat.
I like his new knees. And his face, which you can't really see the detail of. He's quite darling. Those old glass eyes that were too big are coming in handy- In fact, he might even fit an 8mm- A STANDARD SIZE! That is great news, for I can now get the fancy colored Chinese ones. YEAH. SUCCESS.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Today was a fine day, and now I am hungry.

Just a moment-” I did good enough, and yanked the door open.
“Taylor, I’m sorry to bother you, but bennet said you had some reports to fill out.” Steve said, looking shaken up.
“Come right in.” I shut the door behind him, as he let out a gasp.
“Don’t say a word.” He whispered, “Don’t say a single word- not to anyone.”
“Sure- Steve, what’s wrong?”
“You’ve got to swear- You won’t say a word.” He was shaking from his shoulders to his knees, sweat beading up on his brow and wetting the tight curls of his hair.
“Sure, I- Maybe you better calm down, sit.”
“They’re going to kill me!” He gripped my arm, nearly to tears.
“Calm down, sit on my bed here- That’s it, that’s it.” I wrapped my arm around the towering man, feeling his body quiver like a child.
“You know what I mean, I know you do. You’ve seen it- It happened to all of them, you were there every time. I didn’t believe it was you, and now I know it couldn’t have.”
I nearly let out a cry myself. Not Steve- Please not another one.
“They got too close- You can’t get too close. Hari found something, and I saw it. I didn’t want to, but it’s too late now.”
“I won’t let them get you- Just keep quiet. I know, Darrell knows. We’ve lived this far.”
“They think you won’t talk- They know you won’t talk, I don’t think they know why.”
“I’m a coward. That’s all there is to it- Except when other people are going to be hurt.”
“Why are they keeping it a secret- You know, petroleum on mars- It’s practically a godsend.”
“They can’t just drill into another planet. Even they know that it’ll take time, and they don’t want someone else capitalising on that. Besides, we managed to get the news about the life out, now they probably can’t without some tricky underhanded buisness.”
“But who are they?”
“I’m not sure, but more importantly- How do they know?”
“Probably watching us-”
“Don’t worry, Steve. Just don’t even think about it, and it’ll be gone.”
“For now.”