Sunday, May 25, 2014


Well, today I realised just how scrawny my action sculpture guy's (action sculpture just seems more of what I'm going for than DOLL) legs were- I always thought there was something off. His legs looked a bit long, but they were proportionable in length. Then I printed some patterns, to realise I had a problem. His hips looked way too wide for his legs. I measured my own legs to find the width of leg to height ratio, and found that there was something very wrong XD So, he's getting fatter all the time, and it's really doing him some good. On the subject of fat, my cat friend chubber has been especially violent in her attempts at hygene- Grabbing the back of my head to lick my hair. I had a dream last night, but I don't remember it, probably couldn't make more than a paragraph of it anyways. It's a shame- prevents me from journaling. Maybe I need to start a dream journal without having standards before publishing- One that no one will ever see, if all goes as planned. What have I done to my brain in the last few years? Must've hit it really hard one day around 8th grade, and forgot about it. It would explain the irregular shape of my scull.
Let's just hope I don't get bald when I'm old. The odds are not in my favor- But I'd probably still be just vain enough to wear a wig. Like Mick Jagger. It's got to be a wig.

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