Monday, April 28, 2014


Well, finished a painting today. YEAH. Had a dream last night- I REMEMBER THEM AGAIN XD You see, Chuck Norris trained a group of people to go into peoples dreams and scare them, mostly for revenge. For some reason, I came across a couple of them once, and kind of forgot.
Then, in the car at night going down the hill to my house, I see a sign saying that the safety of the street had been compromised, and we start wondering what that means. We get to the house and see horses- Nothing to do with any danger, they were just there. blondish horses with braided hair. So, then we go inside, and things happen for a while. Later, people arrive and I scream- Because I'd seen them before. It was Chuck Norris's dream assassigns, dressed in nerdy 80s clothing, like Weird Al except less cool. They didn't really do much, but I awoke from it as if it were a nightmare, and woke up in another dream where I told people about it. In that dream, the Chuck Norris assassigns were still a real thing, which really should have been a clue that I wasn't awake, but I didn't pick that up for once. Would of just wound up running down docks trying to fly over rocks, and trying to summon Ziggy Stardust with my mind. At least my subconcious has matured some. Not as primitive now XD

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