Tuesday, July 30, 2013

I'm getting hungry AGAIN, and I DON'T KNOW WHY...

I'm watching doctor who- I've gotten to the point where they extended the season just to make episodes that make you want to watch the next one. I NEED TO FINISH IT XD But I'm tired, and my throat hurts. Meh.
THE DOCTOR JUST LOCKED THE TARDIS LIKE A CAR. I thought it was funny, doctor.
My Chubber is Chubbing.
Oh, the Oods have bad dreams. That's a reason to call the doctor XD
And my Tubber is Tubbing. Like the one in the picture. That looks a lot like my tub, except it doesn't have a circle.
And I made icecream today =D

OH YES, I HAD A DREAM LAST NIGHT- I was a different species, from space- and a very advanced one. I was in some sort of primitive space bus with twenty three teams of humans, somewhat like a camp. No one could know who I was, but they soon found out. I can't quite remember it though. Just images, no plot. WELL, THEN, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE. AND THAT IS ALL, that is all.

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