Sunday, July 14, 2013


YEAH, so I wrote more Starman, did stuff, etc.
ALSO- It's Spongebob's birthday, and also one year from the day I went to the Ringo concert. YEAH =D
Spongebob's pretty awesome. I recommend the episode Shanghied- BEST EPISODE EVER XD Alas, Spongebob is nolonger on netflix, so I am a bit saddened, but not too much. THAT'S WHAT I SHOULD WATCH WHILE I PAINT DONATELLO'S SHOES!
Speaking of Donatello- Here's a fragment starman.

“What is it?” I said.
“What is what?”
“You’ve been quiet.”
“Well...” She sighed, blinking. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s anything- But I’ve been thinking.”
“Thinking. Okay.” I said, turning my head away to look at the horizon.
“That’s all?”
“Yeah. You did say what it was.”
“Well- I’ve seen something peculiar. Out of the ordinary. Strange.” She said, running her finger against the sole of her shoe. It was an odd shoe, practical, but odd.
“Are you sure it wasn’t me?”
“No- I’m serious.” She smirked, “There’s been these- these mesages on our frequency- You know the frequencys we sometimes use for communication to the outside during our isolation drills?”
“Really?” I leaned forward, cocking my head.
“You know, it could just be someone messing with the frequencies, making a mistake- Something got scrambled up, it happens.” Quinn said, turning around. His eyes lit up suddenly. “Oh- Look- Someone brought some extra sandwiches- Want any?”
“No thanks.”
“Suit yourself.” He got up, walking over to the food.
“Now, what did these mesages say?”
“Well, I’m not really sure- It was after hours, when I was cleaning up, I saw it was left on and caught the end of it. I think they were trying to reach one of us- speaking really cryptically, as if it were some kind of code.” She said, squinting her eyes in the sun. She had this funny vest on, along with a poorly matched dress shirt, rolled up above the elbows. For some reason, I kind of liked it. Matched her eyes, though I wasn’t sure what color they really were. “And the next time- Are you listening?”
“Oh- Yeah, yeah.” I nodded, blinking. Airheadedness increased by a factor of 12% in the last fifteen minuets.
“Well, the next time, I caught some of the same words again. Said something about E&B, and a boss of some sort. And remanier. Is that- Is that french, or something?”
“I don’t remember... I’m better in Itallian, latin, and protugese. Never really went into french too deeply- Though I can understand most elementary vocabulary.”
“Lovely.” She said, smirking. “Well, though being a complete ditz, I guess you are a genius.”
“A ditz. I see you know English elementary vocabulary.”
“Well, it’s true.” she nodded, “But what do you think- Heard anything mysterious- They mentioned a few other things, including the word terminate several times, paired with other things... They could of been names, really. What do you think it means? I don’t know how they could take over our frequency without a pupose.” She said, pairing her words with hand gestures.
“Well, things happen. Quite a few things, actually. Could be anything.”
“So, you’re saying it’s nothing to worry about.” She sighed, starting to get up.
“No- I’m saying just the opposite.” She sat back down at these words. “I don’t know what it was- but I’m not a fan of assuming nothing out of something. If you get what I mean.”
“I can guess.”
“And if they were trying to mess with the program- that’s something worth worrying about.” I said, keeping my voice down, hoping no one else was getting what we were saying.
“Yeah. “
“But do I have a history of assuming something out of nothing, so watch out.” I laughed, looking over. “Well...”
“Well what?”
“You like malts, don’t you?” I said, smiling.
“What’s that got to do with anything?”
“I like malts. I know a great place to get them, and within our fifteen mile curfew, so to speak.”
“What are you saying?” She laughed, looking at me as if I had just said that my mother had just gotten into the buisness of tyedying walruses. Or walrusi, I wasn’t quite sure.
“You know- let’s get some malts once we get out of here- If you don’t mind rumors of you being seen around town with a freak in drag.”
“I’ve been seen with freaks in drag before, nothing new.” She shrugged with a smile.
“I think I like that.”
“Just as long as you don’t fantacise that it’s some kind of date. Don’t get your mullet all in a knot.” I’d never heard that one before.
“I didn’t think we were compatible.” I said, handing her an adress. “This is for the malt shop- don’t get your specs in a knot.”
“I’ll keep that in mind. I think I’ll try a sandwich now- See you later, Starman.” I laughed, waving awkwardly. Starman. She’d started calling me that a few months ago. I think I like that now.

You know what? Darell has brown hair now. I'm tired of the weird orange- That dosn't make sence XD It works for Donatello, but for her, it's not practicle. She's a human. And I think I need to rethink some of her character at the begginging of the story. THAT'S IT XD MISPELLING ALL THE WAY, MAN XD

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