Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Well, I am going to be honest, now. I need to BRING SOME  LIFE INTO THIS PLACE. I havn't been drawing digital art (or much of anything), I havn't been CREATING AT THE SAME PRODUCTIVE RATE. IT BUGS ME. IT IRRITATES ME. I WOULD EVEN GO AS FAR AS TO SAY IT ANNOYS ME. And I realized today two things recently in recent today times: 1. Erasers look strangely edible, 2. I HAD SOMETHING REALLY GOOD TO SAY BUT I FORGOT IT. IT WAS IMPORTANT TOO. BUT I GOT DISTRACTED BY A BRIGHT GREEN ERASER NEXT TO ME.
Very capivating object, I must say.
But what did I have to say? I did find my wacom pen, and realised I needed more sleep, and various other things I'm sure, but I cannot think of it.
But don't worry, my face isn't stuck like that.
I'm just very glad I don't have a boring face. Have you ever thought of that? Have you ever seen a person with a boring face? I bet you have, unless you are one of those people. Then you have my sympathy. And then there's the people who all look the same. I'm not sure if that applies to adults, it probably does (I know all my friend's grandmothers all seem the same, have short grey hair, insanely rich, they could just be the same person assuming different identities. That might just be two or three people, but that's a lot. For seeming exactly the same.) But really, I keep on seeing a bunch of eighth graders who look EXATLY THE SAME. Same dark brown hair in a bun, same brown eyes with rediculous amounts of makeup, same boring face, same skimpy clothing, YOU GET THE PICTURE. And then there's the generic highschool jock with short hair, tall, ALWAYS WEARS SCHOOL COLORS... It's hard to tell them apart, luckilly I don't identify with those people so I don't have to XD They have the same generic face too. GENERIC FACES. It's always the normal, average people. Am I the only one who finds them insanely boring? I must not be alone. BUT WHAT DID I REALISE? THERE MUST BE SOMETHING ON MY LIST. OF THINGS IN MY BRAIN. Well, I've realised that it's already past 21:00. GOODNIGHT. I am now 5280 days old, people. I'M SURE SOMEONE OUT THERE FINDS THAT REMOTELY INTERESTING XD I know I will when I read it in five years. THAT'S WHAT I'LL DO ON MY 1000TH POST (OR DAY OF POSTING, SEE HOW I FEEL), I'LL READ EVERYTHING AND PSYCHOLOGICALLY ANALYSE MY LIFE. THAT'LL BE FUN XD

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