Tuesday, May 21, 2013


I have started the tracing process. And my fingertips are injured just ever so slightly. I'm not sure what song to blame for that. I was tired today... TOO TIRED. So I should sleep soon.
BUT ONE THING: I've decided to base my very humanlike martians on BIRDS OF PARADISE. Give them some strange traits. Got a mary sue species here XD But no. It'll make them really wierd, not exactly idealistic. They'll be colorful though. Kind of. Still needs to make somewhat sence schientifically. That is how I spell schiense. BUT THEY WILL BE LESS PHYSICALLY ABLE THAN HUMANS. MORE FRAGILE. That will be sad XD But more intellegent. IT'S IN THE BRAIN. ALL IN THE MIND. But I'll give them unnatractive traits. BUT WHAT WILL THEY CALL THEMSELVES? Earthlings would call them Martians, but they need their own name... Donatello and the fancy people incharge of society, when learning about Earth culture, will of coarse call them Homo superior (as opposed to Homo sapiens) They will have pride. They will be flashy. They arn't perfect. They just have more empathy. And regret. Which is sad. But can be happy. They have long fingernails and strangely colored/shaped hair. It'll be awesome once I SORT THIS OUT. But very human. Very human. But not quite. Will be very defencive, can be childish when they can't quite read thoughts (Humans have a sort of "fog", can't read them as well as fellow martians) AND DRINK LOTS OF APPLE JUICE XD 
I'm just not sure when to set this. I think I'll call it boomerpunk, like steam punk, except set around 1950-1980. I still am not sure XD It's not really -punk. But that idea. Space age mixed with 60s to 70s ish.  I think I'll make it the same, same famous people, same events, as the real life stuff, except with MAJOR ADVANCES IN TECHNOLOGY. Maybe you could even preorder the latest Led Zeppelin album on itunes, get presence on your ipod just when it comes out. YEAH. That's cool. ANYWAYS, I NEED TO SLEEP. CONGRATULATIONS, You may have just won the next can of corn. AND I AM NOW 5300 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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