Monday, April 25, 2011

today is TODAY

hi, I had the strangest dream last night... first I was in school, and then there was a person who seems to appear in my dreams randomly, which made me realize it was a dream, but then I went to a high school place, except there was 3-7 year olds, and then there was a bathroom place that was all open and connected, but they just talked in there, and I'm like, well, that's weird... then apparently I stepped in the one for the opposite gender and then they all got mad at me, and I'm like, well it's all connected and ALL YOU DO IS HANG OUT IN HERE! WEIRD!!!! and then the police came, but by then I had transformed (you know how dreams are, they shift perspective) into some guy who I think had brain damage in certain areas or something, because he was very naive and very creative, almost like a small child, and believed in what ever his imagination cooked up, but had sense to him and some kind of wisdom..., and kind of just wandered around in his own fantasy world. (and because it was a dream it shifted from the 1st person to  the 3rd person and back and forth...) so, they arrived, and I was just wandering around the campus, and they asked me all these questions, but I wasn't really listening and said "tomorrow you will get 2 flying pigs, one pink, one chocolate!" then he was like "huh?" and I said, "YOU NEED TO GO TO THE MAGICAL RAIN FORREST HOME TO THE MONKEYS!!! YOU NEED BANANAS!!!!!" and he was like "I think we have a crazy one here..." and I said "come! we need to go! now!" and took him with me and he's like "but it doesn't exist!!!" but before long, there it was, and there was a big wheel of fortune thing, and we waited. "well, even though this may exist, that doesn't mean flying pigs-" and then 2 flying pigs fell from the sky: one pink, and one chocolate brown. then there were various adventures... then there was another with the wheel of fortune thing except it was in a cave with lava, and huge piles of riches, and I had this "boss" with me, who like the last guy, was a non believer, and was corrupted by basic greed like most human beings. so, I consulted this monkey guy who said "find the orb!" and the boss guy said "forget that dusty orb! I got this!" and he held up a golden crown with a giant ruby on it. then the monkey guy said "that is not what you are looking for! search for the orb!" so, then the boss disappeared, and I found the orb, and when  I pressed it to my computer screen it went into it and then I was able to use it as a computer program, which turned into a game that you can walk into, so it became like real life! so, then I went back, got people to try it, and we were all on our miniature earth, and each got our own mini- continent, enough to have a house on. so, then the policeman's daughter (another policeman) went over to her friends mini continent. then, in the morning, we were all back to the real world, and we were like "we need to go in there again! it was the awesomest thing ever!" it gave you a strange sense of peace and happiness, making it addicting, and everybody tried convincing the others to try it. however, when the police heard of it, they regarded it as illegal, and wanted to arrest everyone who tried it! then I went over to the police who was in the game, and he had lied about using it! his daughter even appeared at her friends real house after the game, which was strange. so, now it was 3rd person, and they were all in court (except for my guy) and they were going to be in jail and they kept on saying "but it wasn't our fault! we didn't know it was illegal!!! we just tried it!" then the judge said "then arrest the man who created the game!" then they all disagreed, for my person seemed to be the most innocent of all of them. I never knew what happened next. well, anyways, that dream caused me to sleep through my alarm, but it was worth it. I haven't had a vivid one in a while. well, then, I had piano, I finished my homework thing, came up for the age of the country Aurevitia, and NOW I MUST GO TO BED, AND I'M 4543 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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