Thursday, April 21, 2011


YEAH! I KNOW! AWESOME RIGHT!?!? I HAVE ANOTHER THING IN COMMON! and my parents think it's weird. of coarse I don't care though. so, today I ate ice cream. and pizza. and gross school chicken nuggets. BUT THE ICE CREAM AND PIZZA WERE GOOD (AND AT HOME) funny, because (this is actually random) my sister said she loved school and when she walks in the classroom she instantly feels happy, and that's just the opposite of me. but I have a nice school. (and compared to other ones in the county!) so, speaking of school, I saw one of my best friends from 1st grade because 2 kids were visiting to see how they liked our school for next year! (since I have bumped up a grade, and now I might see people I knew from preschool- 1st again, which might be kind of weird) so, at first when my teacher said her name I was like wow... I think I had a friend with the same name way back when... and then when I went to P.E.- she looked EXACTLY THE SAME! same hair, same bright colored clothes... and I look nothing like back then I realised, (here's a surprise: I wore bright clothes as a child) I WAS HAPPY THEN! when I turned 8 I lost my innocence and when I turned 11 I started to lose my happiness. how nice. well, maybe not exactly, that's when I started becoming how I am now. I don't know when I lost my happiness. it depends on to what extent. so, now instead of being short and cheerful and bright, (I was very small for my age back then) now I was wearing black with my freshly sharpie'd nails, looking 2 years older than I actually was (along with my intimidatingness) and lost my outgoingness. and my energy. (I was half asleep at the end of the day. I started to dream when I had to chose a partner. I also had my eyes open.) to think I used to write about colorful happy little birds. now I prefer writing things about death that don't make sense and stories of hardship among royalty in my made up world. Damian... I wonder how he should die.... he can't just live forever you know! I think he'll definitely die from something to do with his brain... well, anyways.... I'm tired, and I HAVE MARIMBAS TOMORROW. AND I'M 4539 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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