Saturday, January 26, 2013

INSTASTAR: Just add water and stir! Order now, and we'll send you INSTAKARMA too! a 1970s value for 2039!

HAPPY FUN TIME, I just drew a picture of Freddie Mercury and his cat Delilah. I was going to use Chubber as a model, but for one she was a bit too round to be Freddie's cat, and she kept on moving her head. Chubber lives up to her name. Sippy, on the other hand... Well, I need to post something remotely amusing. I WILL. Except I'm tired and I only got five hours of sleep last night, opposed to my normal 9.5-12 hours. For some reason I am still awake... I don't really want to sleep... What would I do? Well, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE, AND I AM NOW 5185 DAYS OLD!!! =D

You had your time - you had the power
You've yet to have your finest hour

And all we hear is...

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