Sunday, December 2, 2012

Me and my rugged good looks that I apperantly posess...

I feel weird, like I've acomplished something, but in an awkward way... I don't know what to do XD I just feel. I always thought I might be something, but I never expected anyone else to think so. Besides superficial comments, that is. I see the lights flicker. My head is full of stuff, spinning, hurting, aching, yet empty- and I feel like there is something trying to excape, something delicate inside my chest flying around in circles at the fastest it can go, but not as fast as me. I can put on my cap, my self, and just play a loud chord on my guitar and laugh like a maniac- that's what I'd really like to do. But then again- I am facinated by life right now. What really goes on in the minds around us? I always thought people just went on, maybe they were just thinking to themselves. I think on a multiversal scale, but that usually puts me in the clouds. Lofty up in my brain. Flippant. I laugh at it. What is it? Hillarious in it's own way. But others? they could be looking at you. Straight at you. And maybe the pieces of the puzzle won't fit, maybe it will bounce off, find another piece, and maybe some day the puzzle will be complete. I can only dream of that day. It must be wonderful when the puzzle is done.
But now it isn't yet.
And I don't know what to do. I somehow got the notion over the years that I was a different piece, and that I am. But I thought I was a piece that may have gotten messed up, one of the links snapped off, then the next- and soon I'd be just a smooth piece of cardboard- tossed away, to find another piece. But there cannot be another piece.
CAN'T YOU SEE? If someone was then the puzzle would never be finished! I don't want to stop the puzzle, and maybe I won't. I might not be a flat, pointless piece of ugly cardboard. I might not have my sides snapped off, forced to be in silence and solitude while the cruel world and the friendly souls trapped in it dance around me, a cosmic dance that leaves you guessing no matter how mundane it seems. Maybe I'm not like that. Maybe I have to be the messed up one with even more connecting pieces- Not messed up. Different. Think of how many of those are in the world. I'm one in 89,000,007. That is the number that has been metaphorically stamped on me, a number we might all have, maybe we all have our colors. It takes time though. Everything does. And if you ever think the things you spend time on, the things you dream about are worthless, stupid? Well, you might be just refusing to work on the puzzle.
Every single day, a chain of events are leading to your greatest moments, you might think that one speck of a single minute crumb of bread might not do anything, but that feeds something small, which intern feeds something bigger, and bigger, and pretty soon the whole entire earth is fed. That's how things work. With out that, it wouldn't. Well, that closes this, peace and love, peace and love, I say goodnight to you all on the 5130th day of my life =D

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