Sunday, August 7, 2011


YEAH, remember how I said I'd finish my dream? I will, BUT FIRST I MUST SAY I GOT A RAT!!!! he's dark grey and white, and he's somewhere around 4-6 weeks old! saved him from being snake food... AND  I GOT A GIANT CAGE! =D right now he just kind of sits in corners... but he'll get used to it. I was thinking of naming him after Ringo... I'll name him tomorrow or somethin... right now I have to finish what I started... my dream telling... you can read the rest in the post before and before that... so, there was also some guy playing the piano too, I recall... so, they start the play and it HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE REAL THING! ONLY THE NAME! there's some romantic scene with some girl and guy talking! WHERE DID THAT COME FROM???? and then there was A DANCE! SERIOUSLY!  and all the chorus was doing it too, and I HAD NO IDEA WHAT WAS GOING ON, SO I JUST STOOD THERE. so some lady came up to me, probably the director or something, and asked me what I was doing! I tried to explain to her, I HAD NEVER REHEARSED BEFORE OR EVEN HERD OF IT!!! this was one of those few times when in my dreams I don't realize it's only a dream... well, it was strange... I was supposed to be like one of the main characters in the real thing when it was treated like some made up story and I was only not even a character with a name... weird. well, now I should be sleeping... AND I'M 4647 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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