Tuesday, August 2, 2011

day 1: thumb slammed in a car's trunk. day 2: giant puss squirting mutant zit on my upper lip so it is REALLY PAINFUL TO EVEN MOVE MY MOUTH. first a green finger, then a red thumb, now black in parts.

yay, you now know- HEY THERE'S A SPIDER! hi! glad my sister isn't here 'cause she would freak and kill it... I am a friend to bugs- INSPIRATION!!!!! someone asks the Beatles if they want bug spray (to keep away mosquitoes and such) and they all cower from it... it's been hard for ideas recently... so I do commissions! but I only got one... FREE COMMISSIONS! MANY PEOPLE CHARGE POINTS BUT I DO IT FOR FREEEE!!! and I'm not too bad at least... I'm a farilly young deviant also... well, person in general... draw people for a year and get this... not too bad, is it? 0_0,    well, anyways... I do like
cupcakes... yes that was random.... MEH. well........I declare... the world is... now.... OPEN FOR A CHANGE OF COMMON LIKING! if there were more people like- No, I shouldn't say that at all! that would be awful! everybody would kind of be depressed at times, and lonely, and they would all kind of be... losers. I said it. you happy? cause I still feel the same. I think I need some Macca... or Ringo always works too.  John makes me sad at times though... and then there's George... there, got me some music! funny how that can influence my mood so much... then there's the music that doesn't make me feel anything... I'm sorry, but some emo music is kind of lame in my opinion... it's just so... those voices and, yeah. I'm listening to love me do, mind you. OOH THAT RHYMED. now "I saw her standing there"... LOVE IT! yes, this is strange, is it? or is it not? I'm kind of normal then really depressed one moment and then extremely happy? with in like 15 minuets? the magic of macca... and lennon... AND RINGO AND GEORGE! =D!!! SEE WHERE A LITTLE MUSIC GETS YOU! I don't think I'm going to sleep well now... OMG, THIS SONG HAS MY NAME IN IT! LIKE OVER AND OVER! ohkaaay... I don't think I can type propperly now.. keep on missing the keys! WELL, oh wow, that was quite odd- like 2 minuets ago I had this extreme burst of... I don't know how to describe that... WOW, is this normal? frankly, I DON'T THINK I CARE! as long as it's positive... excuse me while I just like sit here banging my hand on the keyboard randomly for some reason I do not know... OH WOW THIS IS LIKE ONE OF MY FAVORITE SONGS!!!! do you ever have one of those strange moments when you find yourself laughing and crying at the same time for like no reason at all? just curious. now, I think I'm somewhat normal. tired... well, good night... OH WOW I LIKE THIS SONG TOO! whats it called? ask me why. listening to the album "please please me" you know? I think it's in order... skipped one or something... I don't know. OH I LOVE THIS SONG TOO! the one the album is named for. well, i have to sleep some time... YEAH, AND I'M 4642 DAYS OLD!!! =D!

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