Friday, August 5, 2011

so... just some individual with black pants, a black shirt, a black coat, a black bike, black shoes, along with brown hair and mismatched grey socks... if you were expectin' some flashy pink diva, I AM TERRIBLY SORRY, YOU HAVE FOUND THE WRONG PAGE.

HI PEOPLE! so... today I rode my bike for quite a ways... almost fell into a ditch but got a few stinging nettles... and it really wasn't that bad though... of coarse I'm the type of person who laughs at pain... AND I GOT MAHSELF SOME PIZZA! =D!- and the dream I had last night... so, it started out that I was at this place, kind of like Hogwarts, except it was a HUGE mansion, and the teacher was my language arts teacher, or at least a lot like her... and there was a rumor that there was a garage, only a normal garage, and only few special students that were really experienced (kind of like prefects maybe) would be invited there by the teacher... so, one day I decided to wait in the bushes, and I saw this happening, and the teacher handed one of them a magic item... so, later, I stood in front of "The forbidden door", which was a door that nobody knew what was behind it except for the teacher, and of coarse, it was VERY FORBIDDEN. I remember it having frosted glass windows on the door and a red latch. I starred at the red latch for quite some time, and all of a sudden, I find myself behind the door! what I saw was quite odd- half of it was a room, a very strange room, with bright red carpeting for walls and black and white checkered marble for the floor and ceiling. on the walls there were purple checkered diamonds and green circles... and the other half was a garden with a fountain... and all of a sudden, the teacher was there! the teacher- YOU KNOW WHAT? I think I'll remember it tomorrow... I'll continue it first thing in the morning... I AM SO TIRED! AND I'M 4645 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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