Thursday, April 4, 2013


I somehow managed to open iTunes with those words. YEAH.
Last night I had a dream about a magic guy, and there was this other guy who supposedly used to be a ghost but wasn't any more. He asked the magic guy to turn him back into a ghost, but he said he would first have to make him not ugly. He was ugly. He would of been your standard nerd, but was tragically ugly. The main problem was a large boil on his forehead, which could only be removed by a slice of a sort of magical cucumber. It also had to be marinaded in a sort of magical sauce which the magic guy knew how to make. So, he walked miles and miles to a group of other magic people's house, and they warned him that the magic guy practiced dark magic. Then they had lemonade.

That is all I can remember.
Well, anyways. I should sleep, and do stuff. But I need to say something of VALUE.


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