Thursday, April 18, 2013

And everybody in the room grew old and lived.

"See me?" she said, walking about. "It's not really me- I could be anyone- Like when we were kids, by the pond! Well, if you had a pond, but you know- I could be anyone- you could be anything." He sat there on the bench, staring at her, blankly. She ran around frantically, laughing. She saw him for a long time, but only knew him a small bit.
"Understand? You see, I could be a knight- or a tiger- or a elf- Anything!" She skipped around, picking  dandelions and tossing them to him, who just sat there.
"Let's- let's pretend now. I- I could be king, and you, you could be queen..." She stared into his bright eyes, drawing closer. "We could be... Heroes, just for one day..." She leaned in, and he slowly smiled. She grabbed his arms, pulling him off the bench.
"Run, dance, hide- Anything." she spun him around and around.
He spoke, quietly and still. "You will be king, I will be queen." He lifted the corner of his mouth, then extended his hand. He twisted his long hair around his left handed fingers, while touching her hair with his right. It was short and choppy, kind of stuck up like a bunch of straw. She'd chopped it off last first tuesday of the month. He giggled, while she led him to another land, climbing the horizon. When they reached it, they were there.
"We could be heroes..."

I don't know what that was.
I AM SO TIRED. Well, get yourself a new toaster. I NEED TO SLEEP.

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