Monday, February 11, 2013

παρακαλώ, ζουν και αγαπούν αντί

 Well, today I'm not as tired, so I'll tell you my dreams from the previous nights. The one from saturday was like a few lucid dreams combined into one- I thought I had been sleeping well into noon when I was dreaming it, but woke up around nine just the same. I remember one scene I was with George Harrison in a helicopter... Good times. Another scene was so vivid- Just percieved from all the sences posible in such an intence way, I could see far past human capability, everything was so sharp, colorful, moving, vivid. And the sounds... I found myself in a grassy area right next to a small body of water, maybe a pond, maybe a stream, maybe part of the ocean. The grass started giving way to rocks as I walked on. I luckilly remembered what I had read and commanded "Clarity now" firmly, and my sences unclouded in an instant- Every single blade of grass, every single ripple of dripping water, every single sound of the water running down the rocks was revealed. The cool air, still quite comfortable. The sky was starting to darken, a purple color like a sunset in the summertime. The air was slightly salty from the water, warm with a cool breeze. I walked along the rocks, feeling each round, dark, smooth rock underneath my bare feet. The water felt very plesant, trickling past, all leading somewhere. I watched it slowly run over and between the rocks and my feet. I heard it- The most serene sound- Delightful, just that sound. That and a few songbirds in the distance. I walked on, looking around, and the water was getting deeper. Suddenly, I saw this strange pit-like formation under the water. The rocks were slowly declining, the water getting deeper steadilly like a ramp until it got about a foot deep, then the rocks formed about five or so steps going down, increasing the depth, and in the center was a square shaped hole. I had no idea how deep the water was there, air bubbled up from the center like some sort of natural hot tub. Unlike usually in my dreams, the deep water was far from frightening. Usually when I'd see deep water in my dreams I'd be filled with some sort of fear from it, but this wasn't the case. My vision was so crisp, I could see every single pebble ahead. Every ripple coming from the rocks. I stepped down once, the water almost to my knees. I reasured myself that this was a dream and that I could probably will myself to not get cold from wet clothing later on, so I jumped in. The water had a strong gravitational pull to it, but to my surprise I could breathe perfectly well. I swam around near the bottom, I couldn't go up but I could go in any other direction. It was very nice, I could see it all, the light patterns on the rocks from the water above, the small seaweed like plants in between the rocks, and I saw the square pit. It looked deep, I could of gone down but the water was always pulling me about a foot from the ground so I diddn't know how I'd get back. And I wanted to see more of George. So I swam to the edge, even though I couldn't get up immedieatley, with each step I passed the gravity lessened until I emerged from the warm water and walked away. That was extremely vivid... Just the colors and the rocks... You'd have to be there XD
 And my dream last night wasn't lucid, or else I would of changed it. First I was getting ready to go for sushi (which I really wouldn't mind right now) and looked in the bathroom mirror. I noticed one of my teeth were loose, wich was extremely perculiar, since I havn't lost a tooth in quite a number of years. And even more strange, it was just part of my tooth. It looked weird and I diddn't want to deal with it so I pulled it off. I noticed there was an unsightly gap where the part of the tooth once was. Then my other teeth felt weird, I touched them and they popped right off- like a set of dentures or something, all in a row. It wasn't all of my teeth, I still had some here and there, but most of them were gone, all in a perfect row in my hands. I freaked out as expected and promptly called a dentist. In my dream the dentists were like doctors, if there was an enmergency case like this you could go right in instead of the checkups. So I was going to go and have my teeth reatatched to my mouth, though I don't think they do that in real life. Before that I had a four hour wait to get in and then went to a televised football game that I some how had somehting to do with. So I stood there with a small croud of people on the feild. They sung the national anthem, I was silent (the nutopian international anthem XD love that) and then we divided into teams. Not football teams, this was before the show- and it had nothing to do with football. There was a Queen team and a The Who team. You had to choose, and it was somewhat hard, but like I would, I chose Queen. I dressed up like Freddie when he was at Wembley stadium, short hair, mustache, yelow jacket, and put my teeth back in. I could set them in my mouth temporarily, though they gave me an overbite- IRONICALLY JUST LIKE FREDDIE XD Then the two teams had to run to the other side. Then they ran to the other side again. Nobody was really sure why we were even doing this, but we did. It was fun. The Queen side kind of got, er, distracted over food, hair, unitards, mustaches, and whatever else would distract a queen fan. Yes, food. The guy who looked like Roger Daltrey laughed and claimed he "won", and I replied saying "Well, Roger darling, was there anything to be won in the first place?" With my perfectly over exaggerated Freddie Mercury accent. We laughed and ate food. I stuffed a ton of cheese sticks in my mouth because my mom said I had lost my teeth due to a lack of calcium. A vegetarian who lives on cheese lacks calcium. Anyways, then I went to the dentist (AMAZING my dreamself kept on track and remembered to go to the dentist and remained in the same condition! my dream might have some logic!) So, I got there, and the dentist did some stuff, but then got on her facebook and started playing games.
"Hello?" I said, "I've kind of got a problem, I've only got about ten teeth here... I'm paying you so I can go to math class tomorrow and wait for a lunch I am capable of eating like any day... Is there someone else I should be seeing about this?"
"Nah. Just wait here." She played this game for hours, while I waited. I finally walked out, I asked her boss and he said she didn't have to do anything because of thier new benefactors. Nobody had to work. I went to see these "benefactors", and found that they were really rich blond people who all looked the same.  I pleaded with them to let my teeth get fixed,
"C'mon, I've only got about ten teeth left and I'm fourteen years old, I don't think they're going to grow back, can't you spare a little pity?"
They handed me a burlap sack with tater tots in it.
On the side some man named Joe's face was embroidered on the side. I then consulted Joe on this issue. Apperantly he had nothing to do with them.
So, I wanted to tell the government about this injustice. Yes, I was at the point where I'd go so low as to contact the government. I then had to come up with evidence. Someone said to bring them the tatertots and their dog and I'd have evidence. When I got there, I found I was supposed to mix their popcorn with the tatertots.
Forget this, I thought, I'm just going to glue my teeth back in there and look like Freddie.

I just love those moments XD Well, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE, AND I AM NOW 5101 DAYS OLD!!! =D

He smiled. He dreamed. He loved. A vision for peace so real should be reality.

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