Saturday, February 9, 2013


ANYWAYS, I DON'T HAVE MUCH TO SAY NOW, but I did, and typed it out this mornign when I was half asleep and in tune with my subconcious mind. HERE IS MY DREAM THAT I TYPED OUT BEFORE.
At the start of my dream I was drawing sketches for my comic (as I had been doing the night before) and was watching stuff on an old TV. One of those little fat ones, and it was on my desk and I was flipping through the channels. I started watching blues clues, and then spongebob was supposed to come on (my dream self has strange tastes in television, though I do like spongebob.) . It never did, and I found myself watching a very strange introduction to a popular tv show, one that probably wouldn't be on the same channel as blues clues and spongebob. So I stopped watching it, and went into another room and put in a movie. It was one of those talking animal movies for young children, and it had come out in the theaters a few months before. I never watched it in the theaters, it seemed boring to me, but now the movie was in my house and there was nothing else to do. I put it on. There was a large space where a plane had crashed with all these animals in it from all sorts of different places. All the animals were perfectly fine, but the plane wasn't. So, some humans put them into a boat (it was HUGE and black and was shaped like a pencil) and were going to put them in a zoo. They soon forgot about the animals, and somehow the boat made it out to sea.
This is when the story really started. A few years after that, there was a whole hierarchy of  animals on this boat, all having their own jobs. In my dream I don't remember most of them being actual animals, they looked like humans when I actually saw their appearance, but it was one of those things that are just true in the dream. You could feel that they were animals, and sometimes they'd look like animals, like they were supposed to be. So, the story started with a woman (who was actually supposed to be an animal) who was investigating things around the boat. She was suspicious of the practices of the animals higher up in society, those who controlled things. I think she was also one of the police too. She had an apprentice with her, a shy girl who would record all the facts. Meanwhile, there was the leader of this boat. The emperor of the land (it was more like a city then a boat, the fact that it was a boat was soon forgotten in the dream) enjoyed his position, but frequently faced assassins wanting equality and justice. The emperor thought he was being just, but couldn't see the whole picture. He couldn't understand why people would want to keep on trying to kill him. In the movie, he was some what of a minor character. The movie went on, all those happenings of talking animal movies, but some where along the line in my dream I fell asleep, and the wanderings of my dream self's mind became what I saw in the movie. It went back to the emperor. Even though the movie had portrayed him as just a bad ruler, I could see there was more to him. He didn't know what was really going on around him, so he made laws based on what he saw was fit. He couldn't see the people to see what was fit. They said he was abusive, in both a way that he abused his power and that he physically abused some of his subjects. That last part didn't really make sense, because he never was in contact with his subjects, so I'm sure that was just a rumor. So, there were quite a number of people wanting equality and justice. One of which was another protagonist in the movie. He wasn't a main protagonist, since the movie ignored the emperor, but in my version of the movie he became a problem. He was your classic brave, daring hero that you would root for to take out the bad guy. He was also a rebel, and unlike most of these classic heroes he had a dark side. He was very violent, and I think that's where the metaphor came in. Even though they were basically humans they were known to be animals- I think that was because them being animals was a metaphor for their impulsive violence, their impulsive evil. Not that I think animals act on impulsive evil, I think humans are mainly responsible for that, but in my dream it served as a metaphor. So, time after time he would sneak into the emperor's dwelling and attempt to stab him with a knife. The problem was, that the sheltered emperor somehow was incredibly skilled at using knives, especially for self defense, and would always hide his knife in the most convenient place, different places each time so the assassin wouldn't find them. There were also others who attempted to kill the emperor, there were two other main ones, I forget one of them but the other had long hair and a mustache and dressed in fancy clothing. They also were seeking justice. So, the police woman would investigate their doings, trying to find justice legally. The emperor would wait and wait for these assassins in-between his duties as emperor, alone in his room. He wasn't a bad person at all, he was sensitive and friendly and didn't want all the trouble. But like the others, his animal side made him violent too, and that sometimes could take over his soft likable personality. So, there were multiple attacks made on his life. He got used to them, almost liking the company. He would thwart them, one by one, as easy as that. But one time, he had his back turned and the main hero (almost an antagonist in my version, but not quite) came up behind him, finally going to finish him off. The emperor turned at the last second and grabbed a spoon. With every life threatening stab and slash with the man's sword, he would block it with this little metal spoon. Soon he grabbed a knife- but it was a butter knife. This battle went on and on until the emperor finally managed to wound him with his butter knife. The sword clattered to the ground as the animal inside the emperor stabbed and stabbed and stabbed and blood was splattered everywhere. The man fell to the ground, and the animal side of emperor was glad at his triumph. He laughed and left the room. He had injured this man before, stabbed him, but he always had excaped. This time he wasn't excaping. Then the other two tried killing him, one by one. The first one got a few stabs with the butterknife (because that was possible), and the second was just knocked out with the spoon. He was done for the day and got dinner. When he came back he had the three injured men on the floor. He smiled, They were still there. The human side of him got lonely and developed an attachment to the heroic man, wanting to cary out what he pleaded but was afraid they'd stop wanting to kill him. He saw it as a friendly game, and had fancied the heroic man and his bravery and his handsome looks for a long time, enjoying him coming into the room. Shame, he had hurt them this time, but they'd be better and come back later. He saw the third man slowly get up. The third man just had some bruises and shook it off. Then the second man, the stabs weren't too bad, he was battered but was conscious. Then the emperor looked to the first man, the heroic, brave man. He was very sorry he had hurt him so, when he saw him and his injuries his mood darkened. Why had he done that? Why didn't he just let the man excape? The animal inside him had impulsively injured him in a rush of self defense.
"So, when do you think he'll be up?" he asked the second man. "You're up, the other guy's up, and now there's him- how long should it take?" he knelt beside the fallen man and brushed the blood stained hair from his face. He stroked it, he would never do anything like it if the man was up, he would never admit his liking for him, but he wasn't. The emperor was nearly to tears, seeing how much the man had suffered.
"How long it should take until he…what?"
"Until he wakes up."
"He's not waking up. He's dead. You've finally killed him." The second man said, emotionlessly.
"What?" the emperor yelled, and tried checking the man of any signs of life. it was true, he had killed him. "No- No! How could I have done this?" he cried, holding the dead man in his arms.
A week later, the heroic man long gone, and the emperor was still greatly distressed. He then realized how much he was in love with the man. The custom was to send the dead out to sea, in a little boat like structure (like on Merlin), until they disappeared in the limitless sea. The emperor stared at the water, standing on a bridge. This is it, he thought. He climbed on the railings of the bridge. His servants tried to stop him- but he jumped into the ocean below and disappeared into the endless waters.
    The emperor woke up- he was in heaven. It was all so much brighter, a happy place. He wandered around- and spotted the man. He ran to him, laughing. The man just smiled, on earth he had the awareness of any mortal being, but now he knew what he had meant to the emperor.
"I love you too." the man said, smiling brightly. They kissed (True love's kiss in my dreams, trust me, it's a new and extremely corny concept XD) and then rose from the sea, alive- and human. Along with it being nice because they got rid of their dark sides, my real motive in my dream was that it was getting really awkward for them to be animals. I thought it would be a lot more touching if they were human XD
Anyways, the people couldn't believe it- these two men- now human- rose from the sea just like that. (They now looked a bit like Freddie Mercury and Jim Hutton :3 I liked that) They were alive again, and entirely human. They laughed and ran around the palace, glad to be alive. The dark and violent world had melted away, and it was now just the two in love. A little more happened in the story- but I will not put that part of it here XD For my enjoyment only. It was happily ever after, you could say, if you wanted to use corny fairy tale language for this.
    Anyways- then the story was over. In my dream I woke up. I liked that story- but was it the movie or my imagination? I couldn't tell which was which! (I should of been able to- I don't think children's movies go from G to PG to PG-13 to R XD (well, as far as you know, it only went up to PG-13 for all the violence, I'm not telling you the rest XD)) So, I had to find out how much was in the movie. I wanted to use the story some how (It wasn't that great here- but I don't remember every detail- it was better in the dream when I could) so I asked around. Apperantly, all that I got from the movie was the very beginning, that they were zoo animals on a boat. It was actually about an annoying zebra who learned how to make friends or something like that. Nothing like my story XD so I soon woke up.

THAT WAS IT. I also started on my comic! That'll be fun... well, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE, AND I AM NOW 5199 DAYS OLD!!! =D

I also heard a great song today. For the first time- it must have been on my ipod for months but I just heard it a couple of hours ago- No-One But You (Only the Good Die Young) by Queen...

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