Tuesday, June 7, 2011

hi, my eyes hurt... THANKS.

today was one of those days when your like "just a little bit longer... I finally got to this point..." and then "WHAT THE CUSTARD WAS I THINKING STAYING UP THIS LATE????"... I saw 2 elementary school aged plays today... although one could be classified as middle school... my sister and her friends needed to dance, but otherwise they were great... someone minorly (but it interrupted my train of thought which makes me make a big deal of things) insulted my... I don't know... person? I guess I just think my self 2 years older than my actual age because I go to school with them... meh. dude, I clearly wasn't mumbling. that was either that was some strange way of flirting or you thought I was a ten year old and I don't look it. at all. today I barely could hear anything of the world... I was out of it... like I will be TOMORROW... WELL... I WISH I COULD SAY I PAINTED A PICTURE OF A BUTTERFLY AND I DON'T KNOW WHY... but I did start a picture of Billy Shears!!! (the leader of Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band...) I'll give you a hint, HE WORE AN AWESOME PINK UNIFORM AND I HAVE YET TO SEE SOMEONE LOOK BETTER IN ONE. yep. that is all folks... you want to know a piece of wisdom I learned today? PAY ATTENTION AT LEAST A LITTLE BIT IN MATH CLASS OR ELSE YOU WILL BE EXTREMELY TROUBLED WITH YOUR HOMEWORK! the song "I'm so tired" IS AWESOME IN TWO WAYS BECAUSE THE TITLE SUMS ME UP AND IT LIKE CHANGES THE MOOD SO MUCH AND I LIKE IT AND IT'S AWESOME!(and curse Sir Walter Raleigh)(it's part of the song)..., AND 89millionAnd7 is now 4586 DAYS OLD!!! =D!

P.S., if someone starts singing a "song" that offends you... just say "I don't take your messages" while walking away! (I should of said peace and love too, but that's all I said short notice...)

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