Monday, June 6, 2011


hi, today was kind of... yeah. I was working on my fail George, and he doesn't look deathly FREAKISH anymore... undulate sounds like a word that you shouldn't say to children but it actually means to move with a smooth wave like motion... the word was haunting me all day and I finally looked it up in me dictionary... I found how loud my music sounds... I found something about painting on the computer that I didn't know! you start with a basic cartoon like freakish outline, which I kind of knew, but I saw it in a new way, watching someone do it really fast (sped up)... I need Windows on here... it is NOT NEARLY AS GOOD as Apple, but I misplaced a very important number... and I like Paint dot net... and many other things... AND IT'S AWESOME HAVING TWO COMPUTERS IN ONE!!! yeah. I had sex ed today... not quite as awkward as I thought it would be... but apparently the opposite gender had it worse in awkwardness teacher wise... I just feel sorry for my science teacher... only first year of teaching... well... I had strange textured tofu made by yours truly, had piano lessons... listened to strawberry fields backwards that didn't say much... I thought I saw a U.F.O. today, but it really was just a reflection of a light on a glass door reflected on the window... I learned something sad... I got adicted to another song, "Maybe I'm Amazed", and it's actually NOT a Beatles song, it's by Paul though, and it just got mixed with them on my generic mp3 player!... it's supposed to be a lentil soup recipe backwards... but it isn't... at least I don't think... did I mention Billy Shears?... if anybody hasn't heard of him... well, this post was a whole lot of nothing, AND I'M 4585 DAYS OLD!!! =D?

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