Friday, June 3, 2011

heh heh heh... YES! I AM MYSELF! I am he as you are he as you are me and we are all together... SEATTLE.

yeah... I got a nice part of that song stuck in my head... something about a priestess... XP! (yes, that's a smiley, not a type of computer named after a sheet of glass commonly seen in walls and doors) I had a strange dream last night... much more than strange... so, here I am, looking out the huge window of my waterfront (don't mean to brag, just need your understanding) and it's really dark and stormy out, and the waves keep on getting bigger... (another one with waves) and soon we're all watching, and then they get to like 50 feet tall and I really freak out because everything is going to be destroyed and we'll all die and we can't get out of the house for some reason (what else would you do?) and just saying, have you ever seen a totally destructive large massive wall of water coming toward you????? carrying thousands of rocks and logs with it????? so, then a few 30 foot ones start hitting it (we're about 25 feet from the beach, and at the time the water was like 45, so this is REALLY BAD!  so, the house starts to get destroyed, and JUST IN TIME we somehow appear in the car, driving away, and some how I could see all across the water from the car, no trees in the way or anything, and then I hear the voice of God telling me (EPIC!!!!) that Seattle was floating and some how I knew He meant a lot around it, including where we are, and that these buff goth monk guys were sending supplies on little miniature rockets... and I could see Seattle floating on clouds... He told me some really cool things, but I can't remember... what a shame... and then I some how appeared in a cafe place that now I swear I have been to in California once when I was seven, except different, and it was in Seattle... or maybe New York... I don't know, and 2 randoms guys and me were putting on a play, the kind that you don't say is a play and pretend it is real, and then I appear in some Japanese school that was supposed to be in Japan, but really was in Seattle (I know, it goes on... OOH! SORRY! JUST THOUGHT OF A SONG! what goes on in your heart... what goes on in your mind... you are tearing me apart... why do you- SORRY! *coughs*RINGO*coughs*) and anyways, there was only like 8 students, and they were all REALLY smart, and I was kind of like uhhhh.... and so, then we were supposed to swing from a rope while spraying multicolor paint everywhere into a really deep all white room, walls floor and ceiling, whiter than paint, and I really couldn't see how I could get out, so I was like "what if I don't want too..." and then JOHN LENNON SHOWS UP (I TOLD you that he would since I was posting while staring at his picture too long) and he starts singing Revolution with his guitar, and I'm like "John... this isn't the time..." (yeah, apparently we were close personal friends) so, I don't remember the rest... I had an AWESOME piano recital, my best one yet, and my sister said I was the only one killing the piano which probably meant I was the enthusiastic one, so that's good! my teacher liked my dynamics! (for once, usually I'm not that good with sound levels at certain times but when the piece is my own...) well, now I am REALLY TIRED, AND I'M 4583 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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