Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Give me love, Give me love, Give me peace on earth... Give me light, Give me life, Keep me free from birth, Give me hope, Help me cope, with this heavy load... Trying to touch and reach you with heart and soul

yes... again... the song is SO GOOD TO LISTEN TO WHILE POSTING...  Georgie George-George... (that's what I call the picture I'm drawing... I know it doesn't resemble him much yet... I made the mistake of referring ONLY to the sketch I drew and not look at pictures while I was drawing it at all... but at least it looks somewhat good...) STILL WORKING ON IT. YES. I WILL MOVE HIS MUSTACHE A BIT AND MAKE HIS MOUTH BIGGER. AND FIX HIS HAIR AND EYEBROWS AND MUSTACHE SO THEY LOOK LIKE HAIR. AND ACTUALLY DO HIS NOSE. THAT IS ONE THING ABOUT RELYING ON A ROUGH SKETCH AND THEN MOVING IT AROUND... I JUST STARTED IT ROUGHLY YESTERDAY FOR ONLY A FEW MINUETS SKETCHING... AND THIS IS WHAT I HAVE NOW... WHAT? I'VE ONLY BEEN DRAWING HUMAN BEINGS FOR ROUGHLY 10 MONTHS. IN MY WHOLE LIFE. BESIDES STICK FIGURES AND MY BARELY HUMAN DRAWINGS FROM KINDERGARTEN AND 1ST GRADE. -George just sung in his song to beware of sadness because it can hurt you... yes, I just took a fifteen minuet brake from posting... if you see me suddenly change moods like that, that kind of thing could of happened or I could just be completely changing moods just like that... equal chance of either one...- okay... another 2 minuets... don't read comments... don't read disfiguring interpretations... just listen to the music... find your own meaning... unless your brain is empty and totally uncreative and you barely have a soul... then just go on and listen to mindless noise while your at it... well, maybe you wouldn't even like music... just go on doing whatever... THAT JUST CAME OUT OF ONE OF THE MANY DARK DEEP RECESSES OF MY BRAIN. TRUE. IN MY THOUGHTS YES. I've been listening to give me love over and over... I will not follow what my dream self did in one dream... it was a message. that would happen forever if I didn't fix something... not Something, that is perfect, but something... whatever it is... George songs do this to my brain... it goes off into deep meanings of things... Ringo songs are great for cheering you up and motivating you and getting you through stuff, and George songs are good for thinking in an unusual way pondering the sub meanings of the various limitless rich particles that make up life therefor giving you a certain insight... into the... not life... not the world... not the universe... but the... I need a word for everything ever and more... this Everything... the beauty of it and the cold and cruelness of it... putting you in the wrong place and time... watching you make your way through it... the thickness of this Everything... nurturing you and teasing you... human beings are the only ones able to grasp something... not Something.. not something... but the goal and the place and the yes... SOME THING... yes, and computers don't stand a chance... robots will never have a right brain... vital to understand this SOME THING and partial Everything... seeing if you are one of the few to make a difference... but this difference is nothing to Everything but to people... no, I CAN NOT lead a normal life... I must ACCOMPLISH something... not even somebody that everybody knows the name of... no, I must reshape the basis of thinking on something... no, I need to achieve a SOME THING like barely any others have... reshape THINKING even maybe creating some sort of mild change in Everything... yes... that is my goal... this is for real. I am just some school kid sitting in front a computer on a couch typing away... this may be only read by a few people.. but someONE will notice... I mean someONE... only yes... the complex master of Everything... of coarse will... another happening... yes... pouring out the unjumbled liquid gold substance somewhere in those dark recesses of my brain... will this go away? like sometime? in the summer I will not engage in any left brain activity and see what it does to me... one chance until I return to school... you have seen part of my insides of my essence now... not my brain, but my Thought. my Mind. my YES, I don't know what to call it...the human English language can't grasp these words... - I have just been interrupted... just wait... I'll close my eyes and see if I can find anymore insight... INSIGHT. yes, like the word... well, I think I should get to bed... lets see... my dream... yes... all I remember is somehow mildly injuring a fifteen year old and a ten year old with my nine year old sister... not like we were beating them up, I mean I accidentally used my sister as a weapon... DON'T ASK HOW... then the ten year old started crying like a three year old and started yelling "YOU KILLED MY ICE CREAM!!!!" which I did not have anything to do with... it was very strange and awkward because the kid's parents were  there too, and I felt really guilty... meh... there was more but I forgot... I COULD OF SWORN THERE WAS A DARK FIGURE IN FRONT OF ME RIGHT NOW, BUT WHEN I LOOKED DIRECTLY AT IT IT DISAPPEARED... I'm not that superstitious, am I? well... anyways... MOVEMENT... OVER THERE... well, I'm 4593 DAYS OLD!!! =D!

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