Sunday, June 30, 2013


The emotocon for my tubby cat (and all tubby cats, for that matter) is Σ:3)):
 That is standard form for a tubby cat with more than average tub. Average tub would be only one ")", and sometimes can even be omitted. Exceptional tub would include ")))", when one wishes to express the utmost tubbiness. I will put the previous words in google translate for both greek and italian, then translate it back into english. LET'S SEE HOW THIS THING WORKS.

Instructions for Italian style tubby cats:
The emotocon for my tabby cat (and all cats Tubby, for that matter) is Σ: 3)):
mThat is the standard form for a tabby cat with more than average bath. Media tub would just be a ")", and sometimes may even be omitted. Exceptional tank should include ")))" when you want to express the maximum tubbiness. I will put the previous words in google translate to greek and Italian, then translated back into English. Let's see how this thing works.

Instructions for Greek style tubby cats:
The emotocon plump for my cat (and all tubby cats, for that matter) is A: 3))
This is the standard form for a tubby cat with more than the average bathtub. Average bath will be only one ")", and may sometimes even be omitted. Excellent shower should include ")))" when one wishes to express the absolute tubbiness. I'll put my previous words in google translate for Greek and Italian, translate then back to English. Let's see how this thing works

Instructions for english to greek to english to swahili to english to yiddish to arabic to ukranian to english yet again-
Meat Emotokon her cat (tabby and in general for that matter) are: 3))
It is a kind of natural striped cat for more than your average bathroom. The average bath only ")" one, and sometimes even reverse. Included are the best showers ")))" If someone wants to explain tubbiness completely. I have my words in his translation of Google, Greek, Italian, and then return to the original English. Let's see how it works .........

Exceptional, isn't it? I don't know what language added the ........., I think it was swahili, but I could be wrong. Yiddish messed it up some, and it went down hill even more from there. Now, for the finale, I will translate that to latin, and back.
Latin instructions:
Emotokon eam cattus cibum (Tabby quod materia et in genere) sunt: III))
Est quodam naturali felis quam si alba ipsum dolor sit amet. In mediocris balneum tantum «) 'quis, interdum etiam indulsit. Includitur optima sunt stillæ "))):" Si quis vult explicare tubbiness omnino. Lorem mihi verba in versione Graeca, Italica, et revertetur ad priorem felis. Lets 'animadverto quam is officina ......... 
I can actually understand a lot of that, except from what I've learned it would be Itallia, not Italica. THEY GOT IT WRONG. 

Final english version:
Emotokon her cat food (Tabby that matter and in general) are as follows: 3))
There is a certain natural than if a white cat in residential motherboards. The average bath, a mere ")'s what the, at times even reverse. Included are the best drops "))):" If any man will tubbiness to explain at all. Welcome to my version of the words in the Greek, the Italian, and the return to the former song. Let's see how it works .........

That was the best. Google Translate knows nothing of the ways of Latin.

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