Saturday, March 17, 2012

nam, ffuts eht si gniksamkcab

I find inspiration through the backmasking of my own strange words, like backwards messages written in the sand. I did hear something about backwards messages written in the sands, you know... am I becoming a Lennon? in a weirdness contest, I really don't know who would win... ANYWAYS, I had some sort of dream about music, and albums, and pirate ships, and soda cans, and dark wooden places, and children. the kind of random small children that are always around me in me dreams. I'LL LOOK THAT UP. it said something about my inner child and that being repressed, but I don't think that's it, the thing is I'm always among children, but not one of them. OH MY BILLY SHEARS I REMEMBER THE REST OF IT! I was thinking about how Ringo's concert would be before I went to bed so that might explain it. every once in a while I would get driven to somewhere sort of far away but not too far, to do stuff, I forget what, and each time I could visit this building place, dedicated to tracking down Ringo in the hopes of getting some sort of glimpse of him, in quite a stalkerish way. (yeah, us stalkerish fans! nah I wouldn't do that XD) so, one usual day, I was just hangin out in one of the main rooms, there was the people who stayed there EVERY DAY (I wonder what Ringo would think of that, that's just plain unhealthy XD) and then people like me, every once in a while. so we were just looking through telescopes and stuff when someone started the classic Beatle fan scream (I've always felt sorry for the poor guys, but I have to say, I do not know how I'd react if I saw Ringo!) and I look out the window and there's a car, it looked kind of like me moms car, so I was like, hmmm.... a car... I don't get it... UNTIL HE STEPPED OUT OF IT! and he came in, and we were all freaking out, and again, he shook all of our hands like in the other dream I had, except this time the custom was to basically shake hands but with holding your finger that is between your middle and pinky finger down, I wonder what me dreams will come up with next... OKAY, how did that happen, me mind just flashed back to a large jar of these snacks I saw today called CHEESE BALLS! I AM SORRY! WOW I'm such a middle schooler... I just started cracking up and my sister was like "What?" and WOW LOOK AT THE TIME,

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