Saturday, March 10, 2012


I AM DRAWING SGT PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND! YA WANT TA SEE A BLURRED VERSION OF IT? the camera don't work to well with it for some reason...
it has a little more now. I am tired, the story of me life man. and I HAD AN AWESOME DREAM. A DREAM OF THE FUTURE. It was after all cars turned electric, and now there was a new sorce: there were these devices that could generate power, filter water, and even serve as a vacuum cleaner and it was very simple: you put water in it, you turn the handle to get it going at first and then once it gets power it can power its self and power other things without wasting natural resorces! it would clean the water while using it! like a windmill kind of... those machines were also in cars to power them, and it was all pretty cool... AND before that I had a dream that for my birthday I got miniature Beatles! they were merged with the DNA of rats so they get that size, and they looked like they did in help! I remember picking up little Ringo and his huge little oxymoronic nose! and then I built a little stage for them and they performed for people and I'd carry them in me pockets! that was a good dream... WELL, I AM NOW 4863 DAYS OLD!!! =D
and Ringo's tickets for my area might come on sale soon!!! =D =D =D =D

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