Sunday, January 30, 2011

weekend posts=short

sorry for the short content on weekends... what should I post today.... I had a weird dream last night... and even if you did want to read it I wouldn't let it escape my mind except for one thing: there was a very weird disturbing old man in it,... and oh yeah! it did have an okay part! I only remember this: I was in school, and there were all these different colored pieces of paper, and I was in art where I take science, and all my teachers were there having some sort of dance party, and I was kind of the only student except for a group of people I think... and then I was supposed to go to music, and I decided to skip school, and then I was like, why am I doing this? (especially since music is my favorite) and then I was like oh yeah! this is a dream! I can do what I want! so, I just walked right out of school and came to this weird place and I was hanging on to a chandelier, swinging above peoples heads, and I'm like sorry! (don't mind me) and then I went to this mansion with fake grass and a REALLY FREAKY OLD MAN! that I won't go into.... and then there was this DQ employee, and then some random classmate guy who has been haunting my dreams (he was the guy who I locked up as a mad scientist in that other dream) and he turned into this doctor guy, and then he was a cartooned fluffy gray kitten, and I was one except I was orange (kind of weird), and then we ran into the forest chasing butterflies (kind of weirder)... so, kind of random! =D

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