Monday, January 3, 2011

I have officially an attic and basement dweller

IT IS OFFICIAL: I WILL MOVE OUT OF MY ROOF SHAPED LOFT (high point being 3.5 feet) INTO THE GARAGE! (another very small room, they decided to cut the garage in half (more like 2/3 and 1/3, and I got the raw end; this is a 1 car garage) but at least I will have a room I can stand in! this will be amazing. so, to my day: it was actually good, I thought I would be all sad and what not with going back to school after break, but I was strangely happy, and I think I have found why: ever since I can remember up until a year ago (besides recently) I would create stories in my mind kind of, almost like dreaming, but I'd be awake and in control, and it would often turn into a dream. for some reason that put me at peace with my self and I continued "think dreaming" (as my sister and I called it) recently, (and some times I'd do it in the day too) and instead of thinking of real, current day stuff and stuff that is wrong (don't get me wrong, not like "wrong" like "OMG THAT IS JUST WRONG!" but like wrong, ya know? (I'm starting to sound like a friend of mine, I don't usually say "ya know?"...)) so, um what was I typing about? oh well, today I glazed my pot I made like a forever ago, and, yeah.... AND I'M 4431 DAYS OLD!!!! =D

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