Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Hello, my name is Tommy. Tommy A. Sane, or Tommy Le'Strange, but you could call me Major Tom.

THIS IS CHUBBER. YES. Chubber is sitting there at the moment. Chubber is Chubby.
Time to put it away for the time being though, 
I had a series of dreams last night. *Cue dramatic music* XD Seriously, now.

First, I was myself. Except not. I had more of a... Personification of darkness air about me. It was frightening, I was sitting in my room and bits and pieces of things were torn up, all around the floor around me. In my closet there were bodies of animals with their heads ripped off, and my carpet was stained with blood. (Keep in mind I am wearing my peta shirt now XD) It was quite morbid, but still- It was me. It was weird. I could hear people shouting at me, people that wern't really there. My mom came in to tell me to clean it up, just like usual. Except I got the feeling that she, and everyone else, were plotting to kill me. I hid, trying to get out of it. I realised that this was a dream, a dream that could go very sour if I diddn't wake up. So, I tried and tried, until I did. I soon found this to be a dream. I tried again. This time I was awake- Until I glanced at some paper at the floor, glanced away and back again, and the writing had changed. I was stuck. I would go through some horrific paranoid nightmare- THEN IT OCCURED TO ME- I could either struggle to wake up, OR BECOME LUCID! It was a tough choice at the time but the oportunity for something interesting in my life got the best of me. GLAD IT DID.
So, I wandered around, wondering what to do. Then, I got a wonderful idea and instantly transformed into "Faboosh Wizard Jimmy", basically Jimmy Page, who we all know is a wizard. I ran around, being Jimmy, and it was all good. I remembered the dead things in my closet from before and used my magic to bring them back to life and heal them, then set them free. Then I proceded to run around outside randomly, when I had a strange out of body expirience, and heard an old radio talking about strange things, like some sort of mythical story. I sensed a being in the corner, though I didn't see anything past the wall. ANYWAYS, then I was normal wizard Jimmy and went to the beach. There were all kinds of massive piles of seaweed, and I preformed magic tricks.
Then, later I was Jim Hutton (I just LOVE it when I have a Freddie dream!) And Freddie and I were going to Bob Dylan's birthday. We got there, and it was a really cool party with all kinds of good food! It seemed like EVERYONE was there- except for Bob Dylan XD I'm sure he had his reasons. So, me and Freddie sat down. Sadly a group of people sat between us at our table, but Freddie was all "We'll show them, Jim darling!" and he held my hand, even though we were stretched across the table and were basically blocking their menus and plates with our arms. And their faces, too. They soon left, and we could carry out a normal conversation. Sadly my limitations as a lucid dreamer kicked in, and I frequently had to leave for brief moments of time to make sure I stayed in character. The dream kept on changing me into other people, so I had to stand outside and say "I am Jim Hutton. I am Jim Hutton. I have thick eyebrows and a mustache. I am Jim Hutton." and look in the mirror, and if I looked like Jim I was done and could return to Freddie. Then we ordered some food and Freddie asked for a drink, and I went to get it for him. My sister saw me and I nearly freaked out (the mention of my name would probably break my Jim identity completely (and poor Freddie would be left thirsty)) But she didn't recognise me and asked what my name was. I replied with Jim Hutton, because that was who I was. I was finally getting better with my willpower over my subcontious mind. So, then I got back to Freddie and we got in line to do something (I forget what) and we had a nice moment together. He was even wearing the wedding ring Jim gave him! I just love how my dreams remember the smallest details. I'm pretty sure there was more to it, but I don't quite remember. In the middle somewhere, when I had to make sure the dream didn't take me out of the story, the whole thing got converted to an internet forum until I found my way back. And I think that's all I remember. Weird dream, always seems normal when I first wake up.
Well, if you actually took the time to read through that (which I seriously hope you diddn't for your own sake XD) you deserve something. How about a humorous picture of George Harrison.
I just thought of a question. A question that I really have never answered.
WHY DO I POST THESE THINGS ON THIS BLOG? Certaintly not that I need people to read it, I don't care if they do, then is it for myself? Not quite... No. It's because someday when I become famous for being such a headcase, people can look here to see how it all started. See how my insanity has developed over every day since middleschool. Lovely, ain't it?

You can call me Tommy. Or Major Tom. I don't really mind.

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