Friday, November 18, 2011

Sparkles the pony would like to eat you now.

Do not ask. just listen. Listen to the right, never the left, where they are taking you. look to the sky, the clouds will melt into the lemonade in your cup. You could drink from it, but then again, you could share it, and they too will look to the sky. the earth may be pulling you to its material core, but float above that. defy the gravity that every one else is possessed by, defy and eliminate it, then challenge the rest of the universe to follow, and who knows? they may, up to the stars and beyond.
well... when life becomes inexplicable and flows beneath the very rug they are standing on, they may never know you, maybe no one, but you may never even know your self.  some fight destiny, some ignore it, some try to dye it an artificial color that suits their fancy, but then someone just flow along under the water, feeling the soft opaque seaweed on their back, submerged in an uninterrupted universe doing what you were meant for, and no one can change it. they may disagree, try to argue, but you will be impervious to such things, and just keep on drifting, yet with some sort of power, just drifting along with it, the shades of blue and green passing above you, naturally coloring the sunlight reaching your eyes...
yes... I am now 4750 days old... :)

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