Sunday, November 13, 2011

Remember, people of the world, negativeness is not valued by the judge in the long run, you'll sink deeper then the sea, like the sad folks like me... and if you ever wish to be a dreamer, look to the sky and there you can fly, to find the world of the existing truth, now becoming poluted with the sad dark stain of invisibility... they say black is bad, and white is good, but color don't mater, green is good for the earth yet the love of it is the root of all evils, so turn away they never say, turn away to the sweet golden sound of the heavens, and there you may find the sky.

I am feeling quite conflicted, so that is when I write things like that... on a silver moon you may find riches, on a golden sun you may find material, but you will never find life. even though the innermost of the ground is screaming you live to die, all like that, but you live to impact that sliver of time every body experiences called life on earth and then depart from it, up to a place you need to bring every other to, and for the most, live for the highest....
well, in other words, TODAY WAS A GREAT NATIONAL INDIAN PUDDING DAY!!!! I got to make it! and I will enjoy it when it cools off! I'll tell you how it goes... the only thing that I didn't really like today is I was forced to watch "Never say never" (Justin Beiber) and it REALLY DEPRESSED ME. it left me with a deep physically sick feeling, which is very very rare for me when it comes to movies... well, ANYWAYS... I DREW THIS A FEW DAYS AGO!
(its from the Beatles cartoons when they were day dreaming about being the three musketeers (and Ringo)) SPEAKING of the Beatles, I'LL LISTEN TO THEM! ah, they always make me feel better... there's just something that I don't like about Justin Beiber, that The Beatles are just the opposite with for some reason, and I don't know what it is... AWW I JUST REMEMBERED MY DREAM! Uncle Albert (that rp character, uncle of my main one Rex) MIGHT OF DIED! I DON'T KNOW! it was strange... and I think Rodney Rathbone was in it... PENNY LANE!!!! I haven't heard it in so long... first Obla Di Obla Da and now this! =D well, earlier today I sent a message to dA about me becoming legal age... AND I SHOULD BE BACK ON SOON! my birthday is in 3 days, you know. AND I'M 4744 DAYS OLD!!! =D

I JUST HAD A TASTE OF MY PUDDING (Although it isn't fully cooled yet) AND IT IS GREAT!!!! and in the making of it I got to learn what "As slow as molasses" was like! I HAVE NEVER EXPERIENCED MOLASSES BEFORE! =D

I wonder if I forgot my medication... nah.

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