Saturday, November 12, 2011

so, today just watchin the wheels go round... National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day, by the way, but I'm a vegitarian so I had leftover thai food instead...

Ever since the second I woke up from dreaming last night, I have had "She's a Woman" stuck in my head like Durham's rock hard water putty... and I only know what that is because of my model castle of Aurevitia in progress... the putty I mean... SPEAKING of Aurevitia, I have peacefully spent the last 2 hours on Aurevitian script! with my new India ink!
AND OF COARSE PHOTOBOOTH MAKES IT BACKWARDS... wow, looking at the 2 hours part you'd think I'd be bored, but I really was entertained! listening to a nice mix of The Beatles, John Lennon, Ringo Starr, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Queen, Led Zeppelin, not nessessarilly in that order and more! that would be my whole contents of me mp3 player in alphebetical order... AFTER 2-3 WEEKS I'M AT W!!! 537 out of 595... I'm on What a Shame Mary Jane... it's starting to get creepy... well... MY DREAM LAST NIGHT... SO, I was living in a place like the place I live in now exept it was merged with Camelot or something... OOH, WHATEVER GETS YOU THRU THE NIGHT- sorry, good song man... and there was an evil king guy, and he traped my guineapig from the past but she was alive in my dream in a dungeon because she could talk and stuff and she was trying to stop him, and I tried to get her out, along with a bunch of innocent people he locked up, and when we ran out of the dungeon it came to my language arts room, and every body else was running around aimlessly yelling like "WE'RE FREE!!!" and I was like "um... that's kind of conspicuous... but whatever, you'll be the ones being caught, if you want to..." so I snuck out, and I found me self in my car with a babysitter who was kind of rude, and apperantly we were on our way to California to visit my grandma. random.... well, I was looking out the window and I saw a place like when you walk out from the ferry into Seatle and there's that place underneath that bridge road thing, exept it was smaller, and I was like "OH WOW WE NEED TO STOP WE NEED TO STOP NOW!!!!!!" and she did surprisingly, and I ran out of the car to that place and THERE WAS GEORGE HARRISON, WITH A BUNCH OF MARRIMBA GUYS!!! (yeah, just like one of my dreams, right?) and in my head I was like "I AM WITHIN 20 FEET OF GEORGE HARRISON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 15 FEET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then I walked up to him and we had a jam session on the marrimbas and we showed eachother songs and George was like "Wow, you're good, [what ever one of those other guys names was] taught me kind of, but I never really got the proper teqnique down!" and then I kind of helped him, and then it was like one of those awesome dream-jamming-on-the-marrimba-with-George-Harrison-happy-fun-time moments... and then I had to get into the car and the baby sitter was like "Why were you playing those xylophone thingies with that old man?" (and um, thinking back to those words, THEY ARE DEFINITELY MY CHOICE... 3 things wrong with that sentence, if you spot them, then I will give you an invisible lolipop!) well, then I said "well, HE'S MY IDOL, MAN! and RINGO STARR!" and she was like "oh. my mom likes this guy from like the 50's or something." and I was like "... okay." so, I started listening to my mp3 player and I noticed that it was running out of battery, and I remember thinking "I hope my grandma has a cord to this..." and I started watching music videos of Paul McCartney which probably don't exist in real life and in one of them PAUL LOOKED OLD... like really old... and ugly... and then later we stoped at this gas station, and on the way I think someone started talking about the "Idohoian-montana" "sub-language", very strange, and I saw a sign that said lengths in the mesure of that "sub-language", and it said "Seatle to this gas station [number of that mesurement, like saying 120 miles for example]"and "your next beer to California [number of the measurement]" and I was like "great. I'M A MINOR." so, yeah, it was very random... I don't dream of beer often... septuagenarians, yes, but beer, no. then later I was hiking with my sister and my dad and it must of been when I was 7 or something, at first I was my actual age hiking through the woods and when we came out to the end of it where there was a brilliant blue sky and roaring ocean down a cliff or something, seperated from us by a fence or something, and there was also a nice sidewalk and grass, I had gotten much younger. and then the sound of 5 bells rung and my sister said "5 blue jays were born!" it must of been like when a bell rings an angel gets it's wings or something... that's the last thing I remember... AND THE 2ND TIME ONE OF THE PEOPLE IN MY DREAMS OR SOMETHING HAS MENTIONED THE NUMBER 5... hmm... well, anyways... I AM NOW 4743 DAYS OLD!!! =D

And remember children, TOMORROW IS NATIONAL INDIAN PUDDING DAY! Prepare, I think I'll get some ingredients from the store...

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