Saturday, October 15, 2011

what IS that?

OKAY, today I got to paint a sushi plate with *fail* cartoon Beatles on it! apperantly there was some sort of trouble between the other people I was with, but I didn't notice at all (being in my own little world like me usual self) and had a great time! it's funny, because apperantly my sister and her friend's sister were talking and she said "it's over." and stormed away angrilly and I was just standing outside and she walked by me and I was just like "hi!" =D (not knowing at all what just happened) and she just said "it's over [my actual name]!" and I was like "Oh, your done painting already?" all happily, because I had NO IDEA what was going on, even though she did say it angrily
Classic me moment... The good child, the optimist... well... anyways... should get to sleep, AND I'M 4716 DAYS OLD!!! =D (I'VE BEEN REMEMBERING HOW MANY DAYS OLD I AM FOR SO MANY DAYS! I USED TO HAVE TO LOOK IT UP ALL THE TIME FOR A WHILE!)

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