Sunday, October 30, 2011

in the 113,544th hour of my life...

I AM MORE THAN 6,800,000 MINUETS OLD!!! So, it all started when I was born, somewhere around 20:30. Remember last night? the night I talked about "MR. MILTON, YOU BARE LEGGED WOMAN!", I have no idea why, exept my only explanation is that last night, I finally got some sleep afterwards after being awake for 42 HOURS STRAIGHT NOT BEING ABLE TO SLEEP. your own bed works wonders, you know. now, what you DIDN'T witness (unless you were in the car) was that in my 42nd hour, on my way home I started mumbling, in a weird, half conscious state...
this is what my sister typed on her ipod touch about it (a few things corrected, and the "...." represents things she couldn't quite hear, and the slashes when she "woke me up" and I became aware of myself):

stuff I heard from [my real name]'s mental muttering at night (being awake for 41-42 hours straight)

.....death....death.......killing.....kill..../ ....broccoli, oh.. went to boston...................................../...santa is comming to town............../ cheries (short snicker)... murdering..../

it's like an orange grapefruit (half concious)

moonshade licks the robin..... call that a handmail boy? what a shame..... tasty mustard.............................. try to capture your souls..................... egg whites are in the pantry.../ ............... beutiful eyes though, come to my table........./...look like a lime.......beutiful mustache........dancing frogs....../...did I ever tell you about the potato chips? so tasty.......(something about growing up) ..... fluffy kitty.../ don't go going after the short hairs....... I wanted a blue raspberry... no it was green... tasted like....... no, no, it's a gnome........ beutiful mustache....think of yourself golden... fire....treefrogs.... the amazon..... the golden one...... the golden boy.../ have beutiful eyes..../purple diamonds....

okay, BACK TO ME, 89000007 TYPING HERE! and later, some how I remember myself, yelling something about "THE LEPRECHAUN! HOW COULD THEY? THE POOR LEPRECHAUN! NO! NO! NO! NOHM! IT'S A GNOME! IT'S A GNOME! IT'S A GNOME!!!!!!!
weird. then later I remember violently shaking uncontrollably for quite a while afterwards in my bed... I've had things kind of like that before but VERY mild... like random jolts up my spine causing my sholder and head to shake randomly... I wonder if that's some kind of seizure... ah, whatever... I think I'll get to sleep... AND I AM 4731 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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