Sunday, October 16, 2011


DEEP PERSON. Paul says the weirdest things in his little noises without even knowing it...  jfkdla; jfkdla; jfklds;a jfklda; jfkdla; jfkdla; jfkdla;- as you can guess, I have nothing expecially exiting to say to you today... EXCEPT I GOT DURHAM'S ROCK HARD WATER PUTTY! yeah... that's pretty much it... and I had a dream where I was at the airport and Justin Beiber was there and I told my sister "look, it's Justin Beiber, don't you want to see him?" and she said "no", surprisingly, so I walked up to him and said, "hi Justin Beiber, greetings from Nutopia, and PEOPLE WHO LISTEN TO REAL MUSIC." and he kind of nervously laughed, probably hoping I wouldn't through anything at him. yep, that's all I got.
then you change, like your self, different moment to moment, regretting, forgetting, laughing, sobbing, smiling, indifference, longing, not for any mortal person or object- but for a immense freedom from all that happens, a peace, longing for a concept... Wondering why all those people walk by, keep on going on around you... why? why you ask? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY!?!?!?! sometimes some may come to you but THERE WILL ALWAYS BE WHY? HOW CAN THEY DO IT, EVERY DAY, KEEP ON GOIN' ON LIKE NOTHING, AM I JEALOUS? NO. OH, NO, I am just a little sorry, that's all. pity. oh, what a pity you know... And then there are the ones ruling the world over there, or thinking- ah... why depend on such of some things, when they are NOTHING. and you think, why are you thinking of what other's don't? why are you doing this? I MEAN THIS. RIGHT NOW. WHY ARE YOU TYPING THIS? WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW?
Okay, I was just listening to "Remember" and right after the explosion, it was on random so it went like "CAN'T BY ME LOVE!" and I'm like, that's a bit odd... okay, SEE HOW DIFFERENT MUSIC INFLUENCES ME? weird.
so, we just continue on, throughout the dimensions, it really doesn't matter this stuff, I mean, the stuff you may think is important, like money, grades, mathematics, politics, who wins what, who gets what, all that matters is, well, the basis of the world, after all, where did it come from? oh, oh no, it didn't just scientifically materialize, now did it? ah, so, just as we think we're writing on the wall of time, no, we're only dancing on the dust cast in front of each of us, in a ceritain pattern, and well... yeah... Peace and Love, Peace and Love...

keep on livin', and live. don't just go around walking in useless circles, LIVE. don't make the same mistakes as your friend the fool on the hill, but hey, the fool is having some pretty good fun now in life! what scares me is it's all because of some chemical or mineral... IT'S A DRUG. IT MAY BE PERSCRIPTION, BUT STILL, if you think about it, that's really weird... oh well, live on, and we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun... Peace and love, peace and love, AND I'M 4716 DAYS OLD!

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