Tuesday, February 15, 2011


what to name the post... my sister is trying to find something that agrees for using a sentence with the word agree in it for her homework, and she says "if I say 'politics agree' then would that offend people" and I'm like drawing this king guy looking off his balcony while listening to Lucy in the sky with diamonds, so I'm like "what?" and then I'm like "politics are more of a topic..." and then she says "what if I say that 'republicans agree'" and then I kinda laugh, (no, this isn't necessarily reflecting our political views, she hardly knows basically what a republican is), and so I say "doesn't that sound a little bias to you? maybe you shouldn't talk about politics in this. and then later she says "What should the government promise?" and I'm like what? and she says "I put down 'the government promised blank, so, what should I put down?" and I'm like, "maybe you shouldn't write about politics in your homework..." so, yeah, stayed home again, AND NOW BACK TO MY DRAWING! =D

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