Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Everybody is not Synchronised. In words some of you may understand, DISK "HUMAN KIND" CANNOT BE SYNCED.

I realized this when listening to "Isn't it a Pity" by George Harrison. I looked up and saw a street light, it was red and flashing. I listened to the beat of the music and the flashing light would sometimes flash at the same time, but then fall back- it was too slow. It was then I realised it, the obvious: Everybody isn't syncronised. I'm not saying "It's not like EVERYBODY can be syncronised like SOME PEOPLE..." No. I mean Everybody as a whole. The Everybody isn't syncronised. Ever thought that everybody with a certain belief should just have their own planet? I have, time and time again, I always say "Can't us pacifists and idealists live on their own little plannet, like a big, physical Nutopia?" Think about it. Wouldn't that be nice? The problem: you would seperate the basic traits in people, but then there would be problems within the groups, and again and again- and soon enough everybody would be on their own plannet, stuck in their solitude. Like you were told in preschool: Everybody is different. Unique. SPECIAL. There would be no way in the world for groups of people, no matter how small, to entirely agree. The thing we need to learn while stuck in a world like this: Tolerance. That's the best thing. I know it's REALLY hard, expecially when you have to sit with a group of people listening to One Direction while you are having a SERIOUS cold turkey for classic rock. I know, man, I HAVE BEEN THERE COUNTLESS TIMES XD but you have to try. hard.
ANYWAYS, today I got a good start on me Sgt. Pepper suit! (yeah, I know I'm reverting back to a normal post XD yes I do have a deep side, just sometimes dosn't come out as much XD) I've also read my old writings from when I was maybe 10-11 last night, IT WAS THE WORST WRITING I'VE EVER SEEN! XD to think I wrote that... weird... HE STROKED HIS HAIR. WHAT THE BILLY SHEARS. THE LEANING WAS WEIRD ENOUGH. XD XD XD. then I started to read my commics from when I was 8-11! HILARIOUS IN A DIFFERENT WAY! I have never read boyish elementary school humor SO FUNNY XD it feels good to laugh at something so innocent that used to be the equivalent to the type of jokes I have to hear now at school so commonly XD (the type you hear in the classes, not lunch, big difference there, I wouldn't go that far in my comics) WELL, PEACE AND LOVE, PEACE AND LOVE, DON'T LISTEN TO RONALD MCDONALD CHILDREN, AND I'M NOW 5006 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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