Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Let's got to their wedding and throw MASHED POTATOES at them

I'm trying to get faster at writing again. I can write fast, just not in a story. It's hard XD maybe I need more action, then I could edit it. YESH INDEED. Then I need to add blog. I'll just put some on here.

“That wasn’t so bad. Admit it. I did a pretty fine job.” With folded arms I gave Darrel a smug look, as she stared at a display screen. She turned around nodding.
“Not half bad. Now you’ve just got to do a fine job in replacing the air filters.”
“Me again? I thought I just did it.”
“And it needs to be done again, you’re pretty good at it.”
“Dosn’t mean I like it.” I pushed off the handle, looking on the display screen. “Which ones?”
“Filter five, six, nine, fifteen and twenty.” She read, the reflection of the map sitting on the surface of her glasses.
“Ah. Looks like Hari’s in one of those rooms. Got some company then.”
“He’s been doing better now, hasn’t he- since Himura…”
“Yeah, yeah he has been. Doing better than what I would- and I’m guessing you’ve got something better to do than to help me out?”
“Got some work to do. Going to have to bear it without me.”
“That’s a shame.” I opened the next door. “I’ll be leaving, then.” I waved with two fingers, then pulled myself through. There wern’t any windows in this room, which was a releif. It was kidn of like being in the middle of a long boat ride, and all you can see is the sea and a grey sky. Sure, it was the cosmos, but it was the same view every day except for the Earth slowly shrinking, just to remind you that you wern’t going back.
I wasn’t going back. Was I? I could be a professional at going between the two plannets, like no one should at all. Defying logic, though I wasn’t entirely sure I’d make it through this flight. I did miss home. That’s where I was from, and I had people there. Lots of people- years worth of people. Haddn’t seen them for twelve Earth years, though I was technically in my late thirties, not early twenties. I looked the part, didn’t I? After the thinking and wandering, I mindlessly opened the next door. Hari was still in there, messing with the hook that was teathering him to the machine.
“Taylor- replacing the air filter?”
“Yeah, I’m playing maitnence man today.”
“Good, I was starting to almost smell those filters. Would of replaced them myself, but I’m pretty busy at the moment.” Hari jestured to his current situation: a computer with various graphs on it. It looked a bit grueling, but to him it must of been satisfying.
“Well, I’ll just be replacing these filters in here. Don’t blame me if we get a bunch of dust in here.”
“Wouldn’t do that. Those filters can be unpredictable. I tried replacing them once- Ended up with a face full of the debris, eyes all red… Didn’t let me do it again after that!” He chuckled, as the room filled with the sound of his keystrokes. “Ahh… I was getting a bit lonely in here. I’ve been in here for about… Oh,  four hours now, no fun talking to myself.”

“Well, that’s why I’m here, living entertainment.” Who ever had replaced the cap to the filter before me had screwed it on tight, causing me to have to strain to make it budge.

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