Tuesday, November 30, 2010

randomest song EVAH!

ever heard the milkman of human kindness? HILARIOUS RANDOMIZATION! my sister heard it on the radio yesterday and I just HAD to hear it! XD! so, today I went to school (obviously) and it was all usual, and yeah, but in social studies we are going to do this thing about the constitution, and I get to play the part of JONATHAN DAYTON!!!! (I know, your probably wondering the significance of this, but I have a role play character named JONATHAN! SAWESOMENESS! so, social studies was good. lunch was good, except I had to go to this thing that I forgot about until it was half way over, and the guy there had a remarkable resemblance to something... maybe a navi on avatar? (I have never seen an actual person with their eyes set that way)and he talked a lot, so, yeah, and right before p.e. I felt kind of light headed and feaverish, so I went home, and had some seaweed soup! =)! I AM A SUPER STAR BY TOYBOX! i am a super star with a big big house and a big big yard! (i love that song!) =D

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