Friday, February 17, 2012


I HAS JUST RECIEVED PAUL'S NEW ALBUM, KISSES ON THE BOTTOM, AND I WILL BE LISTENIN TO IT WHEN I GET ME NEW IPOD! (or before, it's always nice to have new songs!) and today was also THE FIRST TIME I'VE EVER WATCHED THE MAGICAL MYSTERY TOUR! the 2 things I said most during that video was "TRIPPY!" and "RINGO!" that was a fun video, I found my self laughing for the longest times over nearly nothin, and I don't know why people didn't like it, I LOVED IT! Ringo, that was the first time I saw him mad like that! XD (of coarse it was actin'!) It just makes me wonder now, WHAT IS HIS MIDDLE NAME? Richard B. Starkey, I've never heard of him having a middle name until then! I WILL LOOK IT UP!

Richard Henry Parkin Starkey Jr. WHAT? I NEVER KNEW HIS MIDDLE NAME WAS HENRY OR HE WAS A "JR." ! WHAT? is that correct? I've never heard that, I knew he was originally Parkin though... WEIRD. I'M HALF ASLEEP... PAUL McArtrey and all that stuff... XD and I am NOW 4841 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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