Tuesday, February 21, 2012

'ello, I had a dream like a blast from the past from a year ago exept it was weird...that some guy gave me a shirt about roleplay characters (quite funny, it said something like "Hello, I am a rp character. I am 16 years old with some sort of power unlike anyone else and have varrious adventures. etc... but the other stuff was pretty funny) and changing into it wasn't a problem and then he wanted it back and I was like WHAT? and then had to change out of it, which was a problem. I was changing out of it in a bathroom stall or something when my grandma came in and had this whole motivational speach, and then left with it wide open and some girl used a motion from the speach in some cleaver way and i was like "ha." and then some random guy from my school last year was like "PICTURE TIME!" and took a picture of me. and I was like lovely. NOW THAT WAS WEIRD...

WELL, I have been writing... YOU WANT TO READ?

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Help me!” I yelled, again and again, and yet again.
Help me down!” I yelled again. I had to be, oh, maybe eight or nine years old. Very intense. However, the situation wasn't nearly as serious as I was sorting it out to be.
Favio, Favio, how many times do I have to tell you not to climb that tree?” The king of Chryseania said with a chuckle.
Help me down please, father!”
Just let go, Favio!” words I would need to hear quite a lot in a few years. I hesitantly let go, and fell down to my demise- a grueling sum of a little less than 3 atinens.
See, that wasn't so bad! You could easily leap that high!”
I see...”
Well, that's what you get from climbing up trees you shouldn't!” he said again with a smile. Also fine words I would need to hear in upcoming years when dealing with a dear friend in a metaphorical sense.
Come inside, we're having some fruit pie!”
Oh joy! I would like some very much!” I said, walking properly, unlike normal children who would of ran of coarse. Being a prince is a different life, for sure. I'd say a different world now, being almost the opposite! I walked inside and got some pie, not normal pie mind you- royal pie, mere commoners (ones like Miko more like it) would cry at the sight of it. For me, it was quite normal. I decided to sit down along with my mother, father, and my sister, very young at the time.
Will Uncle be joining us for dinner?” I inquired
I have been inviting him to join us, but as you know, he does not show much intrest in familly matters...” the king replied. I was secretly hoping, I didn't like my uncle very much, but not nearly as much as I do now of coarse.
A usual day of my childhood. I finished my pie, and returned to my learning. Later that day every thing was serene until I heard something troubleing- my uncle and my father were fighting about something in the other room, and as curious as I was, I looked through a small hole in the wall to watch.
Baroynus, think about what you are saying! I knew you were envyous of me- but my son now- this is rediculous!”
Hear me out brother- If something shall happen to you, your son is far from age of rule, now myself on the other hand, I am very worthy of rule-”
If Favio becomes king before his time, his mother will have athority and assist him with his ruling until he is of proper age- and what makes you so sure I'll die soon?”
I'm just saying you should be prepared- and what if your wife dies?”
Oh please, my brother, you don't really-”
It was a worthy question worthy of a worthy answer”
Look Baroynus- I hope this is worthy of you- if he does become king at an unworthy age and his mother dies, you could assist him, but-”
Then why do you not just make me heir until he becomes of age?”
Baroynus- you should know the answer to that, it's complicated- yet very simple- just-”
I have a document, and if you do not sign, I can do things-”
Look, I have no inconfidence that I will outlive the time in wich it would take for him to reach a worthy age, if it is that important to you, I'll sign- it does say he will become king afterwards, I see...”
Yes, once he turns 21- sign!”
Here you are, signed by the king. Congratulations.” my father walked off, luckilly for me he went out the opposite door. Even then, I knew that had to be bad. Even though this seemed like the normal things my uncle would do, this time he officially did something against me... I guess I would wait, and soon I forgot about it, but not for good.


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We were all gathered in this magic shop. Nice change from the cold outside. Not just me, Sapereus, and Liten, mind you- there were 2 more lads about our age with us, one dressed in regal but weathered clothing, pale blue eyes and soaking blond hair. The other one had bright red hair fixed up like the rocker style hot nowadays. Or then-adays. He also had startlin' green eyes, starin strait into mine, which nearly scared me outa me socks, or what was left of them- didn't know him to no harm like now, and was pretty shook up after the chase ya know. We all stared at eachother, Liten in his normal distrustful way, the fairhair one suspitious. Now, I got some strange feelin there, and I still ain't knowin what it was. Sapereus clapped his hands together, and our eyes turned to him, and I got the feelin that the others knew 'im too.
So, you four are probably wondering why you are here.”
Sure as this blasted weather I am.” said the penny-haired one, speakin with a nasally northern accent, probably a seaman.
Yes mister, I do not know your buissness here, state it please.” the fairhair said that, ever so cleanly, now ya don't hear that every day in these parts.
Ah, of coarse. I have brought you here in assisting fate. Fate has appointed me, you could say. I see you all recognized me.”
These dirty blokes know ya doc?” now that was Liten, raising his eyebrows like his usual self. At that the fairhaired one gived him a annoyed look and the other gave a smirk.
Yes Liten, I will introduce you all later. As fate has appointed me, I need to explain a few things. You have been all brought together for some greater purpose than you are acting now. I do not know what it is, just that it is fate you have met eachother, and I am just a mere messenger. You all have a lot to learn from eachother and a lot to teach the world, a crying world that does not see now. The world may never see, but you may help some in the world glimpse, although it seems very unlikely now. I also brought you here because you were being chased. Miko and Liten by their capturers, Favio by his uncle's bounty hunters, and Jasperaine by the people of the law. Now, I will invite you to my estate, not my own estate but one that has been lended to me through an ancient line. I haven't seen it in twenty years, but I assure you it will suit you all very well, and I invite you all to stay there for how ever long time permitts.”
how do we know we can trust ya?” the penny-haired one said.
You do not, but at the moment it is either me or the cold lonely bars for you Jasperaine, and the bars of a jail this time.”
He does have a point, it's either do or die out there in a way, with all of them chasing us and all...” that was Liten.
I don't know about you guys,” I said, “But I know Sapereus probably woudn't mean no harm, he freed me and Liten out of the hands of our master after all and introduced us to a woman who adopted us and gave us a very nice life for those few years. I'm with him.”
Ah, I'll give too, Doc.” Liten said, with a smile
Sure, I've got nothin to loose and the world to gain, and I don't mind gamblin on them circumstances.” the penny-haired one agreed
the fairhaired one hesitated, but finally said- “Better than being slaughtered by my uncle's men, why not.”
Okay then, follow me. This fellow is Mikollias, here's Liten, this is Jasperaine, and this is former prince Favio. It was no accident you all met here, it is not too far off from where I'm taking you. Here's my vehicle, get in, you'll find food on the table, I'll be driving up top.” and with that, he did. Inside we silently snacked on the food prepared for us, boy I was starving! I guess I made a little noise. When we got there about an hour later it was already near midnight, and by what I could see lit up by the silvery Andantan moon was a mansion- a very tall, fancy mansion! I always thought Saperus must of been of
higher livin', he did dress nice. He showed us to premade rooms, just like we liked 'em (well, I know I really liked mine, the others did seem pretty pleased too.) It was all lovely, I had even got a box of truffles on me side table! The only thing that troubled me that night was- he said that he haddn't been there in nearly 20 years... little did I know, that was only the beginnin'.

HOPE YA LIKE IT! I need to finish before this goes out of battery... AND I'M 4845 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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