Thursday, October 11, 2012

That's the way it goes

YES, I LEARNED THE INTRO TO THAT SONG! (It's the song that George stole the title from me about 16 years before I was born XD I thought it was a genius idea for a song title, then I got the song on one of those "best of" albums about a couple months later and well, there goes that idea XD that's the way it goes XD I can say George deserved it more than me XD) wouldn't it be funny if someone was reading it and they didn't know what "XD" meant? and why do I use that so often? This is why I like face to face communication XD, you see, "XD" serves for me laughing or making that sort of face, you wouldn't want to read this thinking it was dead serious, would you? My tounge in cheek humor is very hard to convey verbally alone, you people are missing so much XD. XD XD XD XD XD it is fun. XD XD XD MY EAR IS WEIRD. I CANNOT HEAR PROPERLY FROM IT SINCE A FEW HOURS AGO, MAN (resisting the urge to type "XD") WHY DO I HAVE TO BE SO FUNNY? (laughs inside, something you cannot see from my typing) Do you like being loud? I can't see how you can't, just saying. Fandango likes it loud (I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF, FINALLY FINDING A NAME FOR MY GUITAR! =D) (also resists the urge now to type two upercase letters, one before "Y" and another after "C") well, peace and love, PEACE AND LOVE, AND I AM NOW 5078 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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