Wednesday, October 10, 2012


“I'm looking for a house.” a woman said, pushing open the office door as the bell rang, alerting employees the door had opened. She walked over to the desk with her head in the air, her brunette curly hair bouncing with every step as if it wanted desperately to escape from it's pulled back state. Her sharp, loud steps abruptly stopped and she stood in front of the man's desk, glaring over it unimpressed almost like it was unworthy of her presence.
“Can I help you?” the man said, ignorant of her pride. She may have been a woman, but he was a man, obviously the better of the two as he thought.
“I'd like to see houses in this area.”
“You're new here, I'm guessing.”
“Why else would I want to be buying a house?” he sighed.
“And is your husband coming?”
“I don't have one, I didn't think it was a requirement to live here.”
“Very well. And your name?”
“Alice Ivring.” she stated, examining her fingernails, not painted and manicured like most women but bitten and worn on her callused hands. She diddn't have time or a need for petty superficial societal norms expected of her, why should she stoop so low as the rest of the world? Don't get me wrong, she wasn't stuck up,she was just assertive, trying to earn respect in a world dominated against her.
“Aha. Here we are.” the man pulled out a worn grey file and started to fill in blanks on a yellowed piece of paper.
“What range are you thinking will be affordable? He said, looking up with his dull brown eyes, he looked older than he should of at his age, but the stress of his multiple jobs was getting to him.
“Well, I was thinking ideally something around... Oh, 500,000?” the man cleared his throat
“Did you say '500,000'?”
“Yes. And I can afford it with much more money to spare. Go on with your job.”
“Okay.” he returned to the files, flipping through them, and pulled out a dull green one.
“Here we are.” he spread out fliers, all with large houses. Nice, but all seemed to lack character. She looked through them all for about 2 minuets and asked “Well, these won't do, but I saw one on the way here that looked interesting. On _ road, I believe. Do you have a file on that one?”
“Oh...” the man's voice trailed off.
“Is there a problem?” she asked, “I'm sure I saw a sign on it saying it was for sale-”
“No, it's not that, but I don't think you would want to- well, what are you looking for in a house?” he changed the subject smiling, ignorant of what she wanted.
“That house, what's wrong with it?” he sighed.
“That house hasn't been lived in for over twenty years.”
“Why?” She leaned in, waiting for a story, and there was one.
“The locals say it's... cursed” he said dramatically, causing Alice to laugh.
“You think you can scare me with a little old wives tale? Seriously, what's wrong with it?”
“It's true- maybe- nobody who's ever moved in has ever lived long enough to move out...”
“Coincidence, I'm sure-”
“This house has been around for over 150 years, and inhabited for the majority of the time. Trust me, even the most adventurous in this town won't even step foot within 20 yards of it. That's why it's always the newcommers, and trust me, you don't want to move there. Now, what would you really like?” he warned, a warning that did not even phase her.
“That house. It sounds great, I'll be the one to move there.”
“But- you don't understand-”
“Yeah, yeah, it's a curse, but listen: I don't belive in curses.” she leaned in, grinning.
“Nobody has survived from the house- they all lived alone, and all the deaths were very tragic. Ask around, It's serious, please, choose another house I can sell in good concience. Please.”
“Thanks but no thanks,” she turned towards the door, “I will find someone to sell me that house, it dosn't have to be you.” she walked to the door, touched the handle-
“Wait!” said the man, he would never lose a coustomer, even over something that terrible. She smiled and turned around.
“I can sell you the house. You have been warned, but like others you are persistant. I can show you around the house on Wednesday.”
“Sounds good! And Goodbye,” she said opening the door, “Have a fun time with your curse!”
“I hope you do, too.” he looked down to his desk, putting back the fliers. Even though he did his job, he felt guilty. He may had just condemmed an innocent woman to a tragic death.


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