Friday, April 20, 2012

YEAH, I could name this what I'm thinking right now, but I ain't right now XD

we're all thinkin it, well maybe not XD I dunno... I HAD a really weird dream last night... FIRST IN 1965 GEORGE HARRISON was put into a commercial but he didn't like it and they didn't ask him first so the other Beatles got mad at the people. then The Beatles were going to enter a song in a song contest but they couldn't think of one in time but accidentally spilled milk in John's aunt's refried beans, and it tasted EPICALLY AWESOME!!!! SO then they came home saying "We didn't get in the song contest... BUT WE WON THE COOKING CONTEST!" =D THEN the commersial people kidnapped Ringo in a refridgerator and John went to find him. THEN they knocked him out and he woke up in a giant toilet, which wasn't apperant in my dream at all but IT'S JOHN IN A JOHN! XD and there were all these secret agent people AND BOMBS EVERYWHERE and then this guy came in saying "I'M GONNA FART!" (yeah, see how mature my dreams can be? XD) and John knew that the natural gas would set off the bombs and he was like "NNOOOO!!!" but then he started being racist to the guy and saying "DON'T FART!!!!!" and the guy was like "I'M GONNA FART IN 3-2-1!" and then there's a big explosion and next you see Ringo coming out of the refridgerator saying "it's COLD in there..." and John's like "YEAH, THAT'S COLD. I WAS STUCK IN A GIGANTIC TOILET WITH A FARTING GUY AND A BUNCH OF BOMBS AND AN EXPLOSION AND THAT REFRIGERATOR WAS COLD." that was the last part of that part, I do remember later I was myself and it was really random and these people were like "IT'S THE HITLER STARFISH!!!!!!!!!!" AND I WAS LIKE "WHAT THE BILLY SHEARS???" and there's an orange starfish with a Hitler mustache. THAT WAS RANDOM. THATS ALL I REMEMBER... AND I'M 4904 DAYS OLD!!! =D

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